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: Quest For the Beak: Part VII
Jun 9, 2007

I have derailed…

[ Original art for this comic is available here. ]


  1. {GiGi} says:

    Happy Osborne with his beak back!! ^^

  2. Flux says:

    Hm, the deltaflight picture was awesome!

    Wally, the Angel ^^

  3. yeah wally! hes got wings! and he got ousbournes beak back WHOO HOO!
    (oh and third comment) OH AND OUSBOURNE CAN FINALLY TALK YAY!!!!!!!!!!

  4. oh and 4 pages yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛

  5. steve-o says:

    Oh and check out the Boids they’ve got this thing where you can listen to the comic IN THEIR REAL VOICES it is SO cool!!!!!!

  6. LTaniki says:

    Cool but did he put the skua he hurt on his back?

  7. spyguy294 says:

    That was awesome! i have a tear in my eye. :mrgreen: 😮

  8. BriGuy says:

    I’m confused. So he stole the Petrel King’s Wing’s?

    And I agree with Steve-o, The Boids is awesome. 🙂

  9. :mrgreen: 🙂 😀 😛 😉 ❗ ❗ ❗

  10. why doesn’t he have any pants?

  11. penguin lover says:

    creepy petrel king wings. how’d he grow those? a wing pill?

  12. He didn’t grow them! He stole them…From the petrel king. I can’t help feeling sorry for the poor guy. 🙁 ok, enough of that, it’s time for a CELEBRATION because OSBORNE got his BEAK BACK!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😎 😎 😎 😎 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 😀 😀 😀 😀

  13. I wonder what Wally is going to do with his new wings.

  14. Phizlo says:

    Cool wings! 😀 I wonder how Wally got them to flap in the air and manage to fly. I also where his scarf went . . .
    Osborne finally has his beak back. YAY!!! 😛 Now back to random laughs and jokes . . .

    Tyler, what do you mean by “derailed”?

  15. OSBORNE GOT HIS BEAK BACK!!!!! WOOTS!!! :mrgreen: 😀 😯 ❗

  16. shikra says:

    Awesome! Osborne can speak again! I knew the look on Osborne’s face would be weird. Those wings look sooooooo out of place on Wally. Sweet comic Tyler!

    P.S. What DID you me by derailed???

  17. ARGH! “Derailed” be a term, used t’ describe a point in time, when a topic goes off th’ subject. It be usually used, when the it goes horribly off-topic. ARGH!

    Osborne’s got his beak back! Rum fer everyone! ‘Tis a celebration! ARGH!

  18. Bluey says:

    yes! osborne! ^_^ 😯

  19. carrie says:

    I just discovered your site through an ad on Hyatt Art.I’m so
    glad I did.These guys are adorable and hilarious!

  20. shikra says:

    Yeah! Rum! Captain Steve pass me the rum as a celebration of Osborne getting his beak back and Wally eating the giant petral king!

  21. shikra says:

    Sorry BEATING the Giant Petral King

  22. shikra says:

    I wonder how Wally fatened the wings onto his body……

  23. Critic says:

    I’m glad osborne got his beak back but waly with wings is a little corney

  24. Bex says:

    Yeah osbourne, i’d be confused, too. ❓

  25. Bex says:

    Yeah osbourne, i’d be confused, too. ❓ ❗

  26. 20th comment! heehee eating the petrel king. Fried petrel wings and rum for everyone!
    😀 😆

  27. oops someone comment before me. Dang. 😡

  28. Wally looks like Icarus, the guy who died cause his wings melted. but Osborne got his Beak back! Party!

  29. oh ya i honor Pokemon with a pokemon avatar!

  30. Cristina says:

    thats so random
    its great i love it.\
    Osborne looks SO cute in the fourth panel.

  31. Hannah says:

    alright this is weird 😕 ❓
    wally has wings… 😯
    how did he get them
    to stay on his back ❓

  32. emily says:

    😀 😀 😀 ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ 😮 😉 :mrgreen:

  33. Perhaps he got ’em t’ stay on, by visitin’ this site:


  34. Huvo says:

    Are any girls going to ask Wally on dates? He just defeated the petrel king. Don’t women like big, strong men? 😉

  35. Poppy says:

    :Wally: :wally: :Osborne: :osborne: :Osbourne: :osbourne: 😯 🙂
    Wally and Osbourne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  36. I don’t like Pokemon. Club Penguin for me any day! 😎

  37. Jonah says:

    This is alsome!! Sweet wings! Tyler can you get back to update daily now?

  38. Friendly Penguin says:

    i don’t go on Neopets anymore : )


  39. cool wings, he probably glued the wings on with, um, WELL I DON’T KNOW BUT I DON’T CARE YARR!!! RUM!

    I was once a penguin.

  40. osborne looks freaked out by wally’s wings 😮 😉 :mrgreen: 😐 😛 😯

  41. Bramblefire says:

    hey y’all!
    i’ve got some news:
    1. If you follow the link I’ve typed in, you will go to http// to find out your Warrior name and Clan.

    2. My Warrior name is Bramblfire. And I’m a cat from RiverClan, the Clan where the cats catch fish for prey and enjoy swimming.

  42. Bramblefire says:

    Any way, Mothflight, a WindClan cat from the time the Clans started, was the first Medicine Cat in the age of the Warrior Clans.

  43. Tony says:

    allyway is piglatin for wally

  44. Amy says:

    I don’t like the last few panels. It makes Wally sound “smart”.

  45. CC says:

    FLYING WAAAAAAALLY! 😐 :mrgreen:

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