Not so much alive and kicking but more alive and twitching. I know many of you have waited through the home storyline quite a while now for some random fun.
Banner Ads
Once again I would like to thank those that have clicked the little donate button and helped support the comic. I love driving around in my new Lamborghini. Another new feature to help support the comic is the little button ads at the top of the screen. They can currently be had for as little as zero cents a day. They are auction ads, so you can bid on any of the spots in ten cent increments, whatever it is worth to you or whatever you would like to give toward supporting the comic. Even if you don’t have a site to advertise you can throw a little “shout out” up there. Much thanks goes to Ryan North and his Project Wonderful for them.
New Chatbox
Please don’t spam comments. Comments are nice little messages for me about the comic or post for that day, one of my rewards for doing the comic, it ruins it when people just chat randomly there or post garbage comment after comment. I understand that some of you may like to chat with other readers, that’s why I added a chat box off to the right there. Please use it. Thanks.
Sheldon Webcomic
And finally, I wanted to post this last Tuesday but got slacking on the comic again (actually I got a lot of writing done for it including an eight page original story that will be in the forthcoming book collection). Anyway, Dave Kellet, who creates the comic Sheldon, has just launched a brand new site for it. For a long time the comic could only be read at comics.com, but he has gone back to independent so I want to help him get the word out to new and old readers where to find the comic online now:
I’ve talked to Dave a couple times in the past, he gave me some good knowledge and advice on syndication, a really swell guy. His comic is about a millionaire kid, his grandpa who he lives with and his talking duck. It’s a lot of fun. With the new site, readers now have access to the entire archives in large format plus lots of other goodies. Go give it a read.
This is S. Dolphin wanted to change 4 a while!
Yesss finally no more random stupid comments! No offence but it got really annoying! Great idea & comic Tyler!
I like how Wally’s eyes bulge in the second panel. But one thing… How can Wally see Osborne twitch when he isnt?
We from The Netherlands have however deeidcd to protect ourselves from the big ocean wave water and build protective barriers against it, both on land and on water. The ones on land we call dykes and the one on water we call Great Britain (meaning in ancient tongue Great Dumb Rock).It has come to our attention however that recently some complete idiots deeidcd to live on our ocean barrier for reasons I cannot comprehend.
If you look real close to Osborne’s left foot in the last panel you will see him twitching.
I’m glad Osborn didn’t die. The comic Wally wouldn’t be as good as Wally & Osborn.