: While You Were Sleeping
Jun 26, 2007 —
Nothing like having a friend like Wally when you are sleeping.
If you have friends like him, at any sleepovers, I recommend being the last one to go to bed and the first one to wake up. As I’ve mentioned before, the most disorienting place I wake up is on an airplane when I have dozed off, its weird to be right in the middle of a crowd of people, with the strange humming of the plane and the drool down your face.
It’s a bit late today…
woot second comment! ๐
poor osborne….. poor poor osborne. ๐
Great comic, it’s funny
I guess that it could be worse – he could have woken up next to a particularly unnatractive lady Penguin.
LOVE it!!!!!!
But i don’t get it??? โ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
Awesome prank. ๐
seventh comment!
. wally can be an idiot sometimes, but he’s OSBOURNE’S idiot. ๐ก ! don’t be mad osbourne, at least he didn’t freeze you with hot water balloons. ๐ฟ ! osbourne… what are you doing with that knife? ๐ . HOLY CRAP!!! ๐ฅ . (sob) please quit pealing the onions. please, stop! (sniff).
Just saw this on the web http://www.terradaily.com/reports/March_Of_The_Giant_Penguins_999.html
Seems there were giant penguins in the past and they made it further north than was previously believed.
Wally put him on the little floating ice shunk and pushed it into the open sea.
(Wally = prankster friend)
If you don’t understand Osborne’s reaction, well, let me put you on a piece of ice while you are sleeping and see how you react when you wake up in the middle of the sea instead of your bed
I guess nobody saw my comment on where the CHATBOX is…wallyandosborne.com/chat is were the chatbox is . under weather says รขโฌลThe CHATBOX Moved!รขโฌย thatรขโฌโขs the link. GREAT COMIC !
Yeah, I HATE waking up on an airplane after being at a sleepover.
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!I have to ,like,do somthing to someone at a sleepover and then ,like, pretend it was not me. or ๐ก , even better, do it to everyone , including me, but, like, not do it to one person(like the host) and pretend it was them;)
Hehehehehehe!! Loving Wally’s sense of humour whilst Osborne’s asleep โ
๐ ๐ ๐ All of the “While You Were Asleep” ones are good. This is the best though! Great comic tyler! ๐
poor osborne ๐ฏ he looked VERY confused
but nice prank wally! ๐
Looks like Wally finally got his R’s right
this comic was posted on my birthday!
the sign on the miniiceburge says mars orr bust if u can’t read it\ if i am correct.
p.s. click on my name, it links u 2 anouther great comic, the boids.
1 day osborne is going to get wally when HE go’s to sleep ๐ ๐ฅ
21st comment! man that sucks…sigh… Well I remember his other sleeping prank were osbourne woke up to see snow men laughing, opening there mouths in amazement while others covered there snowbaby’s eyes! Why? Wally put up a sign saying somthing like ‘hidios penguin’ or somthing. PS: He made the snowmen ofcoarce!
ya totally
๐ ๐ YAWN! ๐ ๐ฏ โ ๐ฎ โ ๐ก
๐ heh go wally go ๐ ๐ ๐
๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
๐ ๐ ๐ poor penguin
ha ha funneh ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ ๐ ๐
You know, I never noticed, but I had gotten the first comment on this comic! Yes, I am the same person, it’s just I now link my name to my comic instead of my main website.
๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ (sleeping)
๐ im bored
๐ ๐ก i will push osborne out to sea!
๐ wait…that is so mean
๐ nah, i will do it cuz itz FUN FUN FUN!
๐ “whistle while you work”…
…… i wonder how he got back….. i’ll go ask smiley!
Wally-Such a prankster friend.