: Travel Ad: Thanksgiving
Nov 22, 2005 —
I had this strip written as a travel ad strip a long time ago and almost forgot about it, since Thanksgiving is upon us I had to briefly interrupt the Cowboy storyline for this. A couple days early to make sure you had time to get one because I think it’s a couple days to ship them from Antarctica. I’m only joking, no eating penguins allowed.
We don’t do it out here, but Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
i have absolutely no idea when Thanks Giving is cuz we dont celebrate it here but Happy Thanks Giving to every1 who celebrates it.
Tyler: I hope you happy now… i have a craving for stuffing and sweet potatoes n theres none around to eat -_-
Kinda late as far as Thanksgiving goes. Then again, I am Canadian.
I like the signing: “Frozen Dreams”. Almost sounds like something that’d sell micro pies…
It would seem you are now pandering to the Lemur population. Hmmmm…..
Holy Whale Carcass — Does Penguin taste like chicken?
Osbourne looks tasty! No Bill, fight of your hunger, fight it off!
Julie Says:
December 1st, 2005 at 3:14 pm
Holy Whale Carcass — Does Penguin taste like chicken?
no more like turkey hence Thanksgiving dinner.
who eats PENGUINS for thanksgiving? they’re evil i tell you! EVIL!! penguins & squirrels = supreme EVILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL! (sorry guys, that was my sister.)
I live in Alderney, so we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving.
You gotta admit, a penguin is like, chicken and fish at the same time. they’re lucky they’re so freaking cute, or there actually might be a market for fresh penguin…:sad:
DON’T EAT THE PENGUIN!!!!Hee ee,it was funny anyway
I hope Wally isn’t hungry, polar bears could eat anything….I think so…..maybe….don’t they?
I don’t think I’ll want to eat a penguin. Not cool. Not cool at all.