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: Travel Ad: Thanksgiving
Nov 22, 2005

I had this strip written as a travel ad strip a long time ago and almost forgot about it, since Thanksgiving is upon us I had to briefly interrupt the Cowboy storyline for this. A couple days early to make sure you had time to get one because I think it’s a couple days to ship them from Antarctica. I’m only joking, no eating penguins allowed.


  1. We don’t do it out here, but Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  2. SuperVegito says:

    i have absolutely no idea when Thanks Giving is cuz we dont celebrate it here but Happy Thanks Giving to every1 who celebrates it.

    Tyler: I hope you happy now… i have a craving for stuffing and sweet potatoes n theres none around to eat -_-

  3. James says:

    Kinda late as far as Thanksgiving goes. Then again, I am Canadian.

  4. synthmon says:

    I like the signing: “Frozen Dreams”. Almost sounds like something that’d sell micro pies…

  5. PenGwen says:

    It would seem you are now pandering to the Lemur population. Hmmmm…..

  6. Julie says:

    Holy Whale Carcass — Does Penguin taste like chicken?

  7. Bill says:

    Osbourne looks tasty! No Bill, fight of your hunger, fight it off!

  8. bobo says:

    Julie Says:

    December 1st, 2005 at 3:14 pm
    Holy Whale Carcass — Does Penguin taste like chicken?

    no more like turkey hence Thanksgiving dinner.

  9. axis says:

    who eats PENGUINS for thanksgiving? they’re evil i tell you! EVIL!! penguins & squirrels = supreme EVILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL! (sorry guys, that was my sister.)

  10. Poppy says:

    I live in Alderney, so we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving. 😥

  11. Sleeps with penguins says:

    You gotta admit, a penguin is like, chicken and fish at the same time. they’re lucky they’re so freaking cute, or there actually might be a market for fresh penguin…:sad:

  12. CC says:

    DON’T EAT THE PENGUIN!!!!Hee ee,it was funny anyway 😉

  13. Sally says:


  14. Osbourne says:

    I hope Wally isn’t hungry, polar bears could eat anything….I think so…..maybe….don’t they?

  15. Jenny says:

    I don’t think I’ll want to eat a penguin. Not cool. Not cool at all.

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