39: Travel Ad: Bring Extra Mittens
Aug 18, 2005 —
Don’t say I didn’t tell you. I’d also suggest a Ziploc freezer bag to keep any of your fingers that get frostbit and break off.
dont forget to bring your brain!
and dont 4get to bring a tombstone!!!! 😉
and make sure some 1 knows your dead.
lets see….my car to my son
My books to my grave (reading ) and this is an AWESOME travel ad! bwahahaha it’s so funny! on http://www.funbrain.com they started over on the comics and started repeating them? is this intentional?
Hey , zoomzoomzoom , I think they might be doing a repeat cycle , then they might go back to new ones . Don’t quote me .
true truetrue 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =)
u might also want to bring a few hundred jackets and in your will you could sign all your stuff to me
Yah, and also get funeral insurance before you go! HAHAHA!
THEY ARE REPETING AT FUNBRAIN! I KNEW I WASN’T CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ❗ 😮
Uh, ‘repeating’ is spelled R-E-P-E-A-T-I-N-G. You need to work on your spelling.
Yeah, mittens would be a good idea. A BUNCH of mittens! ❗
Yeah, make sure you bring lots of them to Antarctica.
I’m REALLY going to have to think about that vacation…
Make sure to go to Antarctica in the summer.
but it would still be cold weirdo
Its a friggin joke.