68: Toboggan: OW Airlines
Sep 28, 2005 —
Or Osborne & Wally Airlines but the OW means so much more. I really enjoy seeing the boys using their imaginations. Probably couldn’t find any other penguins crazy enough to ride down with them.
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*cough* Calvin & Hobbes *cough*
Wally has the same face (exactly) as he did in the one before when he crashed
its funny how they pretended that this was an airline
it will be funny if all airplanes were like this with osbourne driving
and wally being the flight attendent
the name says it all.
houston, we have a problem..
Snowmen don’t count
Id join them
where did they get the tea set
They should probably say “Thank you riding The OW airlines. Please deboard and find the nearest hospital or doctor.”
That would make it sound more like an airplane.
Testing One Two!
Finally, proof that osborne is a boy! I was seriously confused on that. (read description.)
Wait a minute…Is there ANY hospital in Antarctica?
hopefully if they die they go to heaven