Wally was always a simple bear. First thing that comes to his mind was probably not the best advice.
Farce of the Penguins
A couple months ago I read about this movie coming out and just hadn’t felt like mentioning it. I really got nothing else today so… there’s this movie coming out to jump on the penguin bandwagon called Farce of the Penguins, spoofing the hit documentary, March of the Penguins.
Bob Saget of “Full House” and “America’s Funniest Home Videos of American’s Hurting Themselves” is putting the project together and has gathered a handfull of celebrity names to attach to the project… who apparently did voices for penguins. I think it is in post-production but I don’t know when it’s coming out, if it is going to theater to try and compete with something like Happy Feet that’s coming out, or if it’s a straight to video deal. Not something I’m looking forward to or expecting to be funny with Bob Saget in charge of the writing and directing. I’ll try and keep an open mind though.
lol! HOORAY!
Once again Wally is just clueless. They’re not going to get any rocks that way. They need a plan “B”.
Hilarious once again a great comic
Clicked on this on my bookmarks by accident not expecting a new update 
This story line has produced some of the best strips yet. I just can’t get over how funny that is.
Another great comic, keep up the great work
Great comic mate, I just read all your comics in one sitting. Great work. Simple but VERY funny. I find it incredible you found so many possibilities from snow, hills and the general wild life of animals in the area. Loving Wally!
hey whats up people
yeah telling him to say the first thing that came to mind was a bad idea.
he should have told him exactly what to say.
well heres my penguin fact:
Fiordland crested penguins have white streaks across the cheeks
and are sometimes called “thick billed penguins”.
Haha that was really funny, gotta little tear in my eye that made my day thanks Tyler, I can go to sleep tonight with a smile.
i laughed alot louder than i have ever laughed at one of these comics.
That’s like that word test thing where someone says a word and you’re supposed to say the first thing that comes to mind, and the people on TV always say the same thing.
nice tyler, hurry up with more :laugh:, wate hold on my sides hurt, :laugh:
ok i just got back on my chair. ROCK ON TYLER, no pun intended,
Awesome. I have no criticism, just complements. WAY TO GO!
No offence Tyler, but some of my favorite movies are spoofs. Exellent Comic.
Another hilarious one, I’m satisfied for now, but I’ll have to wait another day for another comic!
I’m too addicted to them ^^
(well atleast it’s a healthy addiction)
A small thought that occured to me today: I have great respect for comic/cartoon writers/drawers, where do you keep getting inspiration for all the new jokes! Keep up the great work.
Hey, nice positive comments today! Goes great with the funny strips.
OMG, that was soo funny!
HA HA HA HA, so funny! Lol! Wally very cool.
Happy Feet is probably gonna be acool movie
The expresion of the penguin in the last panel is beond funny ! ! ! LOL
LoL soooo funny
lol, good old wally…
new comic PLEASE!!!
LOL Wally, you’re just what everybody wants in a friend……NOT!
Greay Comic, Tyler!
you said it Lil!
Best one yet you guys ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!