: The Close Sitter
Oct 2, 2006 —
At least it’s not as close as the old den.
Jurassic Arctic Monsters
The ice where polar bears now patrol was once waters where marine dinosaurs hunted. Fossils found 800 miles from the north pole. Read from Reuters, AFP or BBC.
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I agree. 😛
I’m dying to see the next comic! 🙂
I agree. Peace my argumentative about just about everything bretheren.
I think you summed that up well Jai Inder….
My computer is being weird, i don’t know why it posted that twice and hasn’t let me post anything else.
okay really really sorry to be taking up so much space but my computer is having a serious issue with me…
yeah whats up Christina you have like ten comments jk love the comic cant wait till next one
i don’t get it could someone explain
i don’t get it
knowing wally, he’s probablyt thinking something totally of topic like
“5 beans”
and poor osborne is definitally NOT having a good day
(he seems to be getting a lot of those lately)
haha poor osborne can’t get away from wally
that must be terrible