Often the boxes toys come in these days have more playability to kids than the toys themselves. When I was young one set of my parents owned a furniture store and I spent a lot of time in the freight room with my little sister often creating stuff. We had an assortment of cool boxes and packing stuff at our disposal, including huge couch boxes and endless bubble wrap (oh yeah). One time we built this huge castle of connecting boxes that was pretty cool. I’d hang out in it if it were still around today. It was complete with windows, doors, connecting hallways and floored with carpet samples.
As far as smelly fruit boxes, I’ve gotten a few of them too over the years when moving comes around and you find yourself at the back of the local grocery store asking for empty boxes. You can never have enough empty boxes when you’re moving, and new empty boxes seems to cost more than buying actual stuff that comes in boxes these days.
200 Comics
Yup, this comic is officially the big number two-zero-zero. More importantly though, I’m only about a week worth of comics away from filling the first book collection. I’m really excited to put it together even though that undoubtedly means a lot of work.
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hehe good old days.. it remembers me at the time that i was just a boy we just moved and i made a cool. bunker out of boxes in my room.. i fell asleep and when i woke up it was the next morning,
I made bunkers too, used furniture, boxes and toys for walls, was fun 😀
200?!! WOO HOOO! Congrats, Tyler!
Gratz on 200! =)
Congratulations on your bicentennial of comics – was there a parade or a sail by of tall ships?
It is near impossible to get free empty boxes here anymore. I don’t know what I am going to do in a few months when I need to pack up my place before the demoishers move in to do their work.
wow 😯 200 Comics one time my brother said 180 but i didnt think hey only 20 more, but bigger surprise, oh and one can never have to many empty boxes i remember one time i cut holes in one and made a house, so what if i was ten. 🙂
Wait a moment Kevin did you say demolishers, to bad unless you had a bad house in which case, new house!
Pretty awsome , no greater awsome, boxes are the trend now in days, you know.
I was at the zoo recently and the meercats had a few boxes in their exhibit that they were climbing in, over, under, and around. They looked like they were having a blast =P
WHAT! Wally stole Calvin’s transmogrifier!
I’m sensing a storyline coming on.
Box’s, I never really put them together to make castles or anything, more of just cutting holes in them, and we once had this huge computer box, it fit like two of us in it at a time, and we would close it and pretend we were sending it to China or something, good times, good times.
Anyway, congrats on getting 200 comics, and congrats on the book, I will so buy it when it comes out!!
Transmogrifier, heh heh.
wow! that was the funniest yet 🙂
Calvin & Hobbes much? 😉
Good comic.
lol, although when i was little, I never had a box. 🙁 I remember one time my grandparents had a huge box and there was a spider in it, maybe thats why…
Congrats!! 😀
Congrats on the big 200!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats on the 2-0-0 Ty! Say, will your comic collection be in our local Barnes & Noble, or do we have to order it off the site, or both?
I used to have a box-car when i was little..
hehe, when I was about 3 and my parents were preparing to move, somehow they had about 30 big empty packing boxes, and I was allowed to flatten them out and make a castle out of them. of course, having bubble wrap and fabric sample carpet WOULD make it a lot more fun…
Congrats on the 200 Tyler. Good work so far! Yeah when I have kids they wont get toys they’ll just get boxes haha…
Alors, Wally, mon cher, is it true zat you have a big fat boite?
Lee Says:
May 8th, 2006 at 6:39 pm
Alors, Wally, mon cher, is it true zat you have a big fat boite?
Say what?!
Thanks everybody! You’ve made it worth it.
Greenjinjo, that’s right, they givemany of the animals boxes to play with at the zoo here too, I failed to mention that last time I went.
RW, yeah, a little mini-storyline. I just had one random box comic, but then it just kind of grew and seemed a fun way to finish up the first collection.
what do u mean on a mini-storyline? oh my email is crawling4bugs@yahoo.com
Today’s comic… I do not see it.
My cats also think boxes are the bestest. The smaller the box, and the more the cats don’t even come close to fitting in them – the more they like them!
Did anyone see Berkeley Breathed Opus comic this Sunday? (5/7/06) Viva Antartica!
Congrats on the big 2-0-0, Tyler!
I remember trying to ride down our basement steps in a box. Now that I think about it, that was kinda dumb. Congrats on 200.
I still don’t know where to get the book!
Slept in a box before. 😀
Yuck. Rotten fruit in a box. What can be more worse?
A dead person such as your mom
Boxes are the best, but alas only last a day or so…