: Telekinesis
Dec 18, 2007 —
I share the same power of psychokinesis as Wally. In fact, I can even change the TV channel without getting up from the couch. On occasion, I can actually make someone thousands of miles away, giggle, without leaving my computer. 😀
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why is wally so STUPID!?!??!!? ❓ oh well, great comic, is this gonna be original art or somthing? that would be AWESOME! and can you recycle to lost series in this comic? i really liked that series
why is wally so STUPID!?!??!!? ❓ oh well, great comic, is this gonna be original art or somthing? that would be AWESOME! and can you recycle to lost series in this comic? i really liked that series
(oops i accadently double clicked. my bad everyone)
(if anyone imposters me then i am going to flip out)
1.use a remote
I knew it was Annoying Guy. sort of 😕
hay um tyler the favicon on this site is gone why ❓ its sort of strange ❗
Annoying Guy’s name says it all! 👿 ya stinkin spammer! sheesh
no imposters