: Taking Turns
Jun 19, 2007 —
Wally should know he’s not allowed to play with Osborne’s paddle ball.
My kids each wanted me to scan some drawing into the computer a couple days ago. I tauntingly said that I could only scan one of them in, it would have to be the best one. My daughter says, “come on dad, can’t we just take turns”, and I just kind of randomly came up with, “you can take turns at taking a hike… and it’s your turn.” I know horrible. I thought it was funny though… and they say to write from life…
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Osborne is being total meanie.
Haha, that’s a good one. . .
Poor Wally, but can’t he just get another paddleball? Then where did Osbourne get it in the first place?
After all Wally did to get Osborne’s beak back and Osborne is still being mean to him. ❗
Great job, Tyler, on the regular updates. Keep up the good work.
who else gets muse magazine(koko, chad, aeiou, urania, ccraw, bo, pwt, feather,and othermuselovers you know what i mean!!!!!!!) american girl magazine, or cricket magazine (p.s.-www.americangirl.com is a really cool website!!!!)
Gah, I don’t want to be you when your kids start getting even with you!
so what happended to the book progess bar?
you get muse to? awesome!!
Aww… poor Wally.
Osborne can be so mean to him!
I love Wally’s quivering lip in the last panel… seems like a little kid!
Hmmm….Wally will have to find/make his own paddleball….I smell a series in the works?
Either way, I’d love to see what Wally would come up with.
Bad Osborne bad. 👿 👿 👿
I don’t think Osborne is being very nice.
You, on the other hand, should know better. It takes *at least* two good deeds to make up for a comment like that.
👿 osborne
wow, osbournes mean 😥
osborne’s not being very nice 👿
but thats sometimes what osborne does… 🙄
take a hike, wally! 😕 lol
He is sad here too!
that was mean. by the way where is that progress bar?
Wally can make a paddle ball by using a plate from the house, a bunch of his hair tied together, and a snowball.
Osborne’s mean.
…But funny.
Bad Osborne . . . 😡 Poor Wally . . . 😥
Bad Osborne . . . 😡 Poor Wally . . . 😥
Paddleball is a dangerous pastime. Amazing how it hurts when that little rubber ball bounces off your nose. Right Ty? (Ty remembers)
Wally did so much to get Osborne’s beak back! What a mean penguin!
Osborn:evil:Wally 😥
Poor Osborne. Sometimes i wish Osborne would treat Wally nicely. hes just a lil guy! 😆
Great Comic!
I think Osborne is compensating for his height. 😀
😈 😈 😈 = Osbourne = 👿 👿 👿 👿
😥 😥 😥 😥 = Wally = 😥 😥 😥
I thought it was like Osbourne was smart but nice and Wally was stupid but nice, insept when he did bad things because of his stupidness. But now I can see Osbourne is evil, dunnn dun dunnnnn 👿
😀 😡 😆 ❗ 😥 🙁 😕 🙂 🙄
very funny. not.