Yeah, another flipper joke. Apologies to those of you with flippers.
See, even I’m not sure if Wally gets it, that Osborne cannot do that maneuver. Is he giving him a hard time, or is he seriously going to stand there and wait to see how long it takes Osborne to do it.
Button Ads
Was nice to see the button ads up there get filled up. For just pennies a day you can promote something and support Wally & Osborne. That is very cool to see the shoutout to “Dan” up there. Apparently he has been married for 8 months to someone that loves him very much. Supposedly the first year is the hardest and you guys are nearly there. Congratulations to the both of you. 😀
Another reminder to those chatty commenters, if you are looking to chat, use the chatbox to the right. Pointless comments and commenters posting several times in a row will be deleted and I’ll have to start banning users again. 🙁
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Hey everyone. I’m still Emy the Polar Bear Freak but Emywemy is my partime nickname. So if you see a comment by Emywemy, it’s me. Oh! And Penguin Guru, your correct, and incorrect. Polar Bear’s skin is black but its fur is see through. The snow reflects to the Northern Lights or the sun causing the fur to look white. This is a common mistake of humans. So…I guess that I posted 2 facts today. This one, and the other one. Have a great day!
poor osborne
thanks Penguin Guru at least SOMEONE likes Pokemon! ill keep on giving Pokemon Facts until On The Rocks is over! ha ha ha does anyone read Harry Potter? ive read all the books so far and I cant WAIT until the 7th one comes out!
since everyone is changing their names i’ll do it to im anonymous. Well Wally you’ve done it again.
pokemon fact giver may i introduce u to the chat box its in the top right corner for comments with nothing to do with the comic at all
dont worry pokemon fact giver i LOVE pokemon they own
oh and there is a pokemon who looks like a penguin and its soooooo cute! its name is Pochama and there is a pokemon who looks like a bear and its white and itd name is Ursaring. There1 THATS W&O and Pokemon combined! its weird because Pokemon look like everyday animals.
Blank, the chatbox has that St.Benard thing wich I hate a lot i hope Tyler doesnt ban me! *look nervously over shoulder* lol
funny comic but we need a new one and use the shout box your making many people angry
Ya, byw tyler hurry up wit ha new one XD. Any chance for a water balloon one. Man i miss those XD
I don’t think wally really likes being called “slow”. Funny! 🙂
not wally——Osbourne! 😛
do all carton antd comic characters (uther than penguins) have only 4 fingers
❓ one of my hands was repalced with a waffle iron does that count?