: Quest For the Beak: Part VIII (fin)
Jun 12, 2007 —
And we finally come to the end of our quest… but not without getting that “missing” gag one more time, because that’s how I roll.
The original art for this comic is available and will be on the original art page soon. Until then you can e-mail me to check for price and availability. Thanks to all that have purchased the original art, especially with these full page quest comics, and provided much support to Wally & Osborne.
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yay first comment!
Wally never seems to amaze me. 😐
Aww, cute ending.
Sad. 🙁
his beeek is upside down! ha ❗
🙂 great ending! 😆 😆
Osborne has his beak back! Yes!! 😎 ( Unfortunately we have to turn our heads upside down now to see what Osborne is saying) 🙁
Thank the lord its finaly over!
just kidding. but i am excited to get back to the random gags.
Great story ending, wally is a little thick 😕 , aah well poor osborne upside down beak 🙁 .
Oh and Tyleris it still possible to use the ‘On the Rocks’ back ground, because I can’t see it anywhere?
That wasa great quest! the ending wasn’t as good as the rest of the quest, but it was still funny! I agree, i can’t wait to get back to random gags and jokes! I still don’t get the “derailed” commet that you said earlier…
Poor Osborne, even in a moment that should be happy there’s always something to ruin it for him 🙁
Nice anding. you know Tyler you should b a movie director. 😉 poor osborne…..
N-E-Ways, today is my second week os Summer Vacation WOOHOOO!
NIce way to end the comic! 😎 Especially putting Osborne’s beak upside-down. Now back to random jokes. 🙂 It’d be cool if people did make penguin tape, tape with penguins all over it! 😀
LOVED the comic, Loved the warriors:new profacy (exept part w\feathertail), love free things in clubpenguin, i am at piede with the world!!!
beam me up scotty!!!
Wydrolook at the left of the page for comics,blogs,(and what you want)themes(includes W&O,and the old ON The Rocks.
Hello ❓ is anyone here ❓
i feel so lonely 🙁 🙁 🙁
yay ❗ w&o emoticons ❗
😎 😎 😎 👿 👿 👿
😯 +
= 😈
wally is awesome. 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎
heehee, osborne got confused
is there still going to be updates?
Tyler, how about making a smiley of osbourne with no beak?
man i havnt been here for a while
i aslo change my name again
😆 😆
Oh my, Osbourne talking “upside down” and having such a sad face on the next panel almost killed me
Good one! 😀
😯 Wingies?
If Wally’s sick then we should call him mrgreen!
Do you know what countries were neutral in World War Two?
Osbourne must be twisted!
Follow the arrow to find regular updates!
The petrel king must have given you a shock!
These comics must make you smile!
What is it about Osbourne’s beak???
In Antarctica it must be very cool!
The petrel king was evil!
I hope you grin at this!
Do you think Wally has an idea?
I say oops to the handrawn style!
It’s the end of that crazy razz!
I want to roll in joy!
I’ll give Tyler a wink!
But some of you will cry!
You would eek at the petrel king!
A lol laugh!
Don’t make me mad!
That ending’s quite sad!
Lets party!