After polar bears molt (they molt yearly like the penguin but it’s more like a dog shedding than the penguin’s ordeal) their coats appear bright white. By summer the sun can cause some oxidation and that’s why their coats will appear more yellowish.
Sometimes in zoos polar bears will even appear to be a bit green, this can be due to algae growing in their hollow hairs.
As far as things sounding cool, that’s like a major part of today’s society. We love stuff that sounds cool or that has a cool name or title. That’s why “On the Rocks” will now be known as “MAXIMUM Freeze!” with the intentional capitalization and exclamation point.
Friday Followup
I realized I never followed up on my news of getting a penguin on Friday. Yeah, as many knew, it was just a bad April Fools gag saying I was getting the penguin on Saturday. The Penguin Warehouse site is entertaining though, when I first found it I thought it would be fun for a gag. In most countries including the US, you cannot own a penguin as a pet. Penguins are protected and are not suppose to be removed from the wild, so the only ones in human circulation are those bred by zoos. They are basically a sea creature so it would seem kind of cruel to have one without having a large swimming facility for it. Also they are a social grouping creature so you would want to own several.
I did go see Ice Age though. It was great, the first one was one of my favorites of the 3D feature film explosion, and this one tops it. It was bigger, wackier and they added some more characters for additional comedy besides just Sid the sloth.
New Wallpaper
As promised, here is some new wallpaper. I added a bit to the scene where Wally wins the snowball fight with Osbourne. Here is a special 1600×1200 version of it for you resolution junkies. Still working on some old west wallpaper.
hey! i’m learning *Crys*
how is the Penguin Warehouse able to be based in America, or really function at all? are they providing an illegal service? or is the site a hoax?
It was just a fake site. Supposedly part of an example site created by a web designer for a portfolio piece (probably doubled as good marketing plot too).
I want to see Ice Age 2, too
To bad about the penguin april fool.
Oxidized, well it does sound cool!
can’t wait for the new wall-paper, and more, MAXIMUM Freeze!
Thanks for the new wallpaper! I’ll enjoy it! Keep it up!
and lol for the comic. I have seen some “green” polar bears before, now I know why! Thanks again!
I’m going to go see Ice Age 2 today.
I can’t wait!
1600 x 1200!!
You rock Tyler!
Is it just me, or why does my comment not appear…?
I was hungry and I ate it.
This strip reminds me of an early Simpsons episode where Homer and Bart are playing Scrabble. Homer looks at his letters: O, X, I, D, I, Z, E… and says, “how can I make a word out of these lousy letters?”
SO it’s kinda like Polar Bear tanning… that’s cool.
Another wallpaper for the collection. Thankee sai.
Just spotted the following link which might have some potential for future strips…
I was wondering why the poler bears in the zoo were tinted greenish.
oh that is so my new wall-paper!
can’t wait for more, MAXIMUM Freeze!
@Tyler : hillarious strip, i luv wally’s attitude, kinda like mine
awesum wally-paper. oh and 1 more thing….
MAXIMUM Freeze!?????????????????????????????/
ur kidding me, right tyler?
i hope not it sounds cool
I love how all the penguins except Osbourne look really unintelligent.
cool link lee, I can just imagine wally running around yelling that aliens are atacking…
how do you make your name a link?
In the comment place where it says ‘Website’ type the website you want it to go to…I think.
I made a nice little video for you Tyler, here it is…
that last comment wasn’t from bobo, it was from me, he is my brother.
Cool RW. I was thinking of putting together some comics like that for the iPOD (instead of just a bunch of images to flip through like the ones I did) and just for fun.
thanks, I was gonna have it have sound, but my computer was being stupid.
testing? testing? is my name a link?
sorry broken link, but it worked! *performs odd dance of “man VS machine! guess who won?”*
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