: Obsessive
Dec 10, 2007 —
I don’t think I know a single guy that doesn’t suffer at least a bit from some OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). It seems these days we add the word disorder to everything human. Things must be getting pretty disorderly. Chances are, right now you might have a comic reading disorder. 😉
Sometimes being obsessive can be a nuisance, distracting my mind from stuff I need to get done. But when I get obsessive about getting done what I need to, then it’s great! 😀
Anyway, who let Osborne get a hold of a self-help book?!
yay! first post, and wally and osborne are back! thank you so much. this made me smile.
:eek My faith has been rewarded! Days of checking to see if there was an update have paid off 😛
Good to have
and 😐 : back
Da Skwire
My god how long has it been?!?!? No explanation no?
Wow, an update. It’s been a while. Good comic.
Wally and Osborne being finally back really brought a smile to me this afternoon when I saw your post yesterday. The first comic strip that I have actually waited for (I joined Wally and Osborne after the ramp strip was posted). 😀
Ooh, yay! More Wally and Osborne!!
I think Osborne should find more disorders he thinks he has from that self help book.
There’s a joke about self hekp books…
I went into a bookstore and asked where I could find the self help books. The clerk said if she told me it would defeat the purpose somewhat ❗
cool im like osborne alot in that way lol
omg a new comic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and top 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wat took so effin long?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
im obsesed with reading this awesome comix
Awsome! Wally and Osborne are back! 😛
😀 Wally and Osborne’s back!!! 😎
🙂 😎 😀 😛 😉 😆 ❗ ❗ ❗ ❗
theres a new comic.
welcome back tyler 🙂
Yay,today’s my birthday!Thanks,Tyler,a comic for my b-day! 😉 😀
😯 A new comic?!?!? This is my first post here, but i’ve read all the comics, i love these! Keep up the good work!
Awesome and very funny 🙂
Finally more Wally&Osborne! I think I do have a Comic Reading Disorder… and a Reading Disorder… and an Internet Disorder… and an Obsessive Chocolate-Eting Disorder… and a Breathing Disorder… *gasp* THERAPY!
…So that’s how they make so much money! 😉
Great to have the strip back.
oh how i missed this comic! HURRAY! 😀 😀 😀
and wouldnt u know yesterday was the day i didnt check. Good to have u back Tyler
Yup…..there goes his OCD again…..its really not that bad you know, it helps me do my homework.
FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀
😮 😛 😎