: Nature Takes Its Course
Dec 17, 2007 —
Hey, I totally recycled today’s artwork. Yeah, an identical looking strip ran almost exactly one year ago! Isn’t that great? What’s great is that I called myself out on it before you could. 😉
I’ve got a busy week here so I will have to do some quick comics, but the good side of that is… comics!
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first comment!!! oh ya! anyway that comic is familiar.
first comment woooooooooooooot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
❗ ❗ ❗ ❗ 😆 😆 😆 😆
ya i new something looked femilear abot it what strip is it from ❓
I am first !!!!!!!!!
woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot!!!! ❗ 😆
becous of my incridibly slow internet conection I came in a minit to late!!!!!!!!!!
Nice to see you back!!!
Close but no cigar zeel 😐
heehee 😉 i like the sled strips, i like the shadow(actually, sratch that) silloete effect, and how wally knows what he should do.
wally sounds so intelegent there.
see i told you guys wally would not be dead, they cant just rename the site some tinhg like grizo and os borne…come on grizo would just be to dum a neam ppl 😆 😈
What Wally said in the second panel is too smart for it to be him saying it. I’d say Tyler exchanged Wally for some other Polar Bear stranded in Antarctica.
nice we returned to the toboggan, how about we get a book of facts comic ❓ 💡 ❗ 😆 NOW ❗ ❗ ❗ ❗ ❗ ❗
Woohoo!Ninth!Help me
the moderaTAORS ARE WATCHING US. . .
Ok listen Tyler. I reccomend, if you are short on time, just don’t whip out some comics. Put care and time into them. I would rather have one good comic than 5 rushed.
Nature is especially cruel to polar bears.
The ice caps are melting, which literally
makes them wet behind the ears. I think
penguin caps might be a great business
idea, to replace the melted ice ones…
Haha. This comic does look a bit familiar to other sledding comics I saw. =) Nature is cruel, but the good part of it is the snow can block kids from going to school, resulting in a snowday. =D
The comic ias called The Thrill.
yay comics!
Wally sounds like hobbes in the second pannel 😯 ! ooh 16th! can i get a cigar??!!??PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSE!!!??!! the comic is http://wallyandosborne.com/2006/12/15/the-thrill/ that looks alot like this one!click to see
i cant beleive tyler gave us a limited amount of time 4 us 2 comment! 😥 great comic anyway! 🙂
sry im changing da picture on my comment
Well, reduce, reuse, recycle. Hey, at least Tyler hasn’t bailed on us yet, because I don’t want to have to wait almost half a year for a new Wally & Ozzy comic….
In the meantime, Wally & Osborne want a win! Wally & Osborne are going head to head on the Shout It Out voting circuit with some of the other LBF comics, including, but not limited to: Astronaut Elem.,Cow & Buffalo, and some others… They’re nominated for 2 categories:
W&O vs. Cow & Buffalo and Best Webcomic. Vote for Wally! 😀 😮
And Osborne too. 😐
Tyler, can you make some kid size “can shakin'” and “penguins is serious” T-shirts and hooded sweatshirts? 🙂
definatly from the start but different dialouge