Cloudgazing is just so fun there had to be more of it. Wally will get it eventually. He’s kind of a slow learner.
In air, penguins are actually somewhat near-sighted. Their vision is really streamlined for underwater use including a flat cornea which helps just that. Apparently they can see colors, they are sensitive to violet, blue and green light, in fact they can see into the ultraviolet range of the electromagnetic spectrum. Polar bear’s vision is very similar to humans. Like many animals, they both have a nictitating membrane, which is like a clear third eyelid, you have one too but it’s permanently folded and pink in the corner of your eye. It helps protect the penguin’s eyes from injury and for polar bears it is thought to filter out ultraviolet light and help reduce snow blindness.
…And on that note, I’m going to give my eye’s a rest from looking at the computer screen and go put them to use watching Lost. I recorded it Wednesday night and am just now getting around to watching it. So exciting, heh. Have a great weekend and I’ll see you Monday!
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Cloudgazing definitely is fun. I am one day hoping to see things that have all their parts rather than the animals with missing limbs I tend to see in clouds.
nice 🙂
how would osbourne get back up? he doesnt have arms or anything.
p.s. no… new… comic… AIR! AIR!
We were cloudgazing with my friends once and one of them went
“Man, that cloud over there looks totally like a cloud”
We laughed for some 5 minutes. But looking back on it, it was pretty stupid
@michael: well he does have his flippers and remember Penguins like sledding on their bellies and they don’t stay stuck on their bellies so he could just roll over and then get up.
a vrey of a slow learner.
ya think he’s slow…….