Wally walked up on Osbourne preening the last time he got a shock like this. Also he must have picked up the phrase “holy sweet whale carcass” from somewhere.
Adelie penguins molt yearly like all penguins (aside from the Galapagos that can breed and molt twice a year). This is a time the old worn-out feathers are replaced by new feathers. Right now is the actual time Adelie’s are starting to molt (February-March), just after they have finished breeding and rearing their young. During this time they cannot preen, and cannot go in the water… therefore they cannot eat either. The duration is about three weeks.
Whale Dog Food
If you read my posts you’ve been following with me on the Japanese whaling situation. At any rate, all these whales that are being killed for “research” apparently are not selling the number of whale burgers they were hoping for so now they are selling the whale meat as pet food. Yeah, that’s nice.
Surfing Penguin
To leave you with something fun on this Monday, you have to see this penguin photo. Looks like a gentoo penguin hydroplaning on his feet into shore.
This strip reminds me of a short comic verse once quoted by Spike Milligan, though I don’t know if he actually wrote it.
The song of canaries
Never varies
And when they’re moulting
They look revolting
found sum photos you may like to see.
Polar bears and submarine at the north pole.
I read about the whale dog food. It’s disgusting.
w00t The Return Of “Holy Sweet Whale Carcus” π “Holy Gigantic Blow Hole’s Bat Man” just don’t have the same ring ring to it as “Holy Sweet Whale Carcus”.but seriously do all penguins look that ugly when they molt? Osbourne looks like some mutated warty old penguin
Can I get a WOOT WOOT! for the “Holy Sweet Whale Carcass!” Osbourne looks like he exploded
Zonarius, cool photos, I had seen the middle one somewhere before. Appears to be a mother and her two cubs, that’s typically the only reason polar bears would be traveling together.
Vegito, yeah, do a Google image search for “molt penguin”, not in quotes though.
Okay, now when I’m shocked at work, I’m just goin’ have to say, “Hoy Sweet Whale Carcass!” I wonder what my co-workers will think!
Well don’t dig to deep. You might get burned by the molting penguin.
I’ve always found it interesting that penguins have about 70 feathers per square inch… that’s a lot of feathers. It makes them very soft.
I’ve just discovered your comic. Its wonderful! Thank you.
Tyler Martin Says:
February 13th, 2006 at 12:53 pm
yeah, do a Google image search for Γ’β¬Εmolt penguinΓ’β¬Β, not in quotes though.
i did and i fond this.–> http://tinyurl.com/kj7wk
Yeah, Osborne DOES look a little revolting when he’s molting. Not much of that.
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