3: Meet Osborne
Jun 29, 2005 —
Our other main character. A cute yet awkward Adelie penguin named Osborne. A little loner that befriended Wally on his arrival to this distant land. Osborne dreams of greatness someday, but for now he’ll have to stumble over the obstacles that everyday life in Antarctica provide him.
hmmmm Wally seems………………………………………..GREAT!
I meant osboure does
Osborne and I must share the same b-day.
Is *Freeze* a valid SFX? 😕
i doubt it.
> : )
hello hello hello
penguins are so Cool
i think this all the time so i am called
PENGUIN FREAK!!!!!!!!!!!
ja ja! that always happens in movies. they say things can’t get worse then
it does
I predict a fiasco with Hannah (now penguin freak) in the future
:penguin: : polerbear: :polar bear:
Osborne doesn’t have that much expresion in this comic he needs more facial movement
other than that he ROX (not as much as wally )
I love Osbourne’s expression in the 7th and 8th panels! 😐
Man I am totally loving this. Big penguin fan from waay back. (pre-opus penguin fan) Anyway, incredibly glad I found this and I’ve only read three strips so far. (sign, wally, and osbourn) I just find the humor incredible, and the subject matter (penguins) fantastic. So thank you very much.
xofour: Very kind, but don’t embarass Tyler! 😳
crazycat12: sttOOOPPPP IIIIITTTTTT!!!!!!! 😐
BriGuy: You know what smiles there are! 🙂
OrAnGe JuIcE: Uh, oh! 😮
ostrich girl: That’s funny (funny ha ha) actually! 😆
Hannah (penguin freak): I STRONGLY AGREE! 😎
bobo: What do you mean? 😕
This is absolutely fabulous!!!
Keep writing!!! 🙂 😀
I do share the love of a nice warm puddle with Osborne… sometimes… rarely… never… stop pressuring me!!!!!
I think Osbourne is smarter than Wally but Osbourne is the one that always seeks trouble.PS.How do you get those small icons on top of the message into your message?
It will take a while for the sun to melt that big chunk of ice.
Dont you think Osbourne will drowen?
R.I.P Osbourne
Where the heck did Osbourne go?
he fell into the water idiot