57: Max: Spit That Out
Sep 13, 2005 —
Spitting something out like that could actually be kind of tricky for a penguin. Inside their beak and covering their entire tongue are little backward-pointing barbs that help keep food going in the direction of their stomach.
lol i cant believe that wally doesnt care about his friend
yes he does he just cares more about max.
poooooooooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr osbone
Inside their beak and covering their entire tongue are little barbs that help keep food going in the direction of their stomach.
Maybe Max hadn’t ‘evolved’ through that stage yet. I dunno. Lucky Osborne anyway.
And BTW, you-don’t-know-me, he’s suppost to be that way. Dur.
wally u stupid trd