Do people really take candy from babies? Should babies even be eating candy? At any rate, I’m pretty sure Wally does not know the proper way to hold a penguin. Any time I’ve seen people holding them they had them in a “bear” hug…heh. Also for the record, penguins carry rocks with their beaks, Osborne just happens to have amazing flipper dexterity.
Penguins In the News
Long-time reader Sidnaceous sent me a link to this article. Every year penguins drifting out on ice floes end up way north on the beaches of Brazil. It says they are sent to local zoos, but this year there are over a 100 of them and they will be taking a trip back to the Antarctic ocean care of Brazil’s air force and navy. Maybe they are wintering in Brazil (it’s winter down there) because Antarctica is freezing (literally).
Apparently that oil spill I mentioned back in May off the coast of Argentina is still unexplained. Nice. On a good note though, the first batch of rescued and cleaned Magellanic penguins of about 200 survivors are being returned to the sea.
Polar Bears In the News
In an Amsterdam zoo, in the middle of summer, Tatania the polar bear got to play in man-made snow. The snow may end up being a regular treat, especially if the Netherlands continue to see such heatwaves.
Global Warming In the News
LOL. It’s all over the place, I can’t even break it down enough to summerize it here other than to say “please stay tuned to the event of a lifetime when the earth will spontaneously explode into a ball of flames”.
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io, i love the “HOLY SWEET WHALE CARCUS!!!” thing!
oh, the daily penguin fact:
The Emperor and the Adelie penguins are
the only species that live in Antarctica
and, if anyone has a penguin question, just ask me
and i’ll probably know the answer! 😀
and hey Alexis, did you
mean that in comparison to Wally Osbourne is smal? 😆
oops i spelled “small” wrong.
Yeah thats probably what I meant.
Well anyway, the polar bear fact is coming later today… 😉
no, actually I meant what i said.
That the ratio of Wally to Osborne;
if Osborne is normal size, than Wally is really small.
alexis, I think that’s why it’s called a webcomic =p (or maybe wally’s a kid-polar bear? =p )
Penguins and Polar Bears don’t talk! What is this nonsense?!
@Hannah : sry bout spelling your name wrong pleaj fowgive me 😀 btw ur name is cool it can be spelt backwards and its still Hannah
you are so funny and you are a great comic maker person! Can you make a comic on my b-day? :)(Aug. 23) If you could that would so awesome! I love your comics! Wally and osborne. How did you think of the idea of making comics on antartica??? Bye 🙂
Wow. I feel bad for the lil’ penguin. 🙁
Then again it would make a good lawn gnome…..creep people and penguins away from their home…:-D
i just saw this article and wondered what you thought about it.
its ok SuperVegito, thanks for apologizing.
yeah I think my name is cool too, its the same backwards its still Hannah. 😀
well, anyway, the penguin fact:
Emperor penguin are almost 4 feet tall.
and apparently Emperor penguin are more popular than polar bears
because an Emperor penguin cruise is $8495, and a polar bear cruise is only $1130!!!
and in my last comment i meant penguins with an “s” at the end…..
I know that Dorleam. 🙄
Yeah I used to like envy you Hannah because I had problems with spelling my name backwards. (Yes I know that was weird) 😯
Here’s your polar bear fact:
Polar bears live on average, 30 years.
Thats was your daily polar bear fact!!!
Alexis 🙂
😀 🙄 😯
🙂 😆 🙁 😛
Alexis 😀
What are all the smileys you know? These are the ones I know. Put your mouse over them to see what they are.
😯 🙄 😀 😛 🙂 😉 😡 🙁 😕 👿 😆 😐 😥 😎 😮
Dammit, I feel like taking this site off my bookmarks, but I guess I could be patient and wait for updates.
all of a sudden i find my self visting the site to read the commenta n chat rather than read comics
Has any one checked out the Club Penguin website? It ROCKS!!
i miss wally and osborne and the silly penguin!!!
:D:D Got a “Penguins is Serious” t-shirt and Osborne Hoodie for my birthday today 😀
BriGuy, I like these ones:
👿 😎
I didn’t know you could get those!!!
I love the Club Penguin website!!!
Its so cool. 😀
They have their Sports Party going on right now. 😆
Alexis 😎
I like Club Penguin too.
But my acount hasn’t been working latly. ; (
i agree c.m.
NO ! ! ! We are NOT going to start whining about comics again ! ! !
My acount is working on club penguin again
bored of waiting for comics here now, good ole pvponline.com 🙂
here are the smileys I know:
😉 🙂 🙁 😀 B-)
2 didnt work! let me try again,
😉 B-)
grrr, 😎 😉
i kno these: :-), :-(, 8-), :-*, ;-), :-X, :,(, :-/ , O:-)
That big penguin better protect the smaller penguin. Wally and Osborne have gone too far!!!
That being said. It’s hysterical and I love it.
LOL this comic is so funny : D
P.S. i really like Hannah’s and Alexis’ polarbear and penguin facts
hey Hannah now i post comments too!!!
Ooh,a wimpy little penguin for a lawn ornament. 😛
Bah! Now I feel even worse!