: Jury Duty IV
Jul 26, 2007 —
So there is jury duty orientation, which basically consists of getting a number. There is no real orientation, you are not prepared, you have no idea what you are going to be doing.
What you end up doing is being escorted around from this room to that room to the the courtroom. You or told to rise, to sit, to go potty. There’s all this protocol and respect going on that you are not entirely informed of. It’s, dare I say… silly? I guess I’m just not used to so much “system” in place.
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Ah poor Osbourne. The will to live is what keeps him going. FIRST COMMENT! 😮
YAY!! Second
I have to say, that I love your comics and I really hope you keep going like that!!
Awesome job! 😉
How about some waterbaloon-gags again…?
Not ANOTHER storyline!Oh,I guess…By the way I was banned from the internet for a week,sorry.
Sweet I got fourth! I love the jury duty comics. They are awesome!!!
lol i like how you didn’t give the juvies names, “the honerable ME prosiding!” 😛
yay sixth
er…..nope nothing yet (meep)
yarr i’m all for some more water balloon ideas………..ooh ooh how about cement
err yarr shikra
awesome comic tyler that was funny 😆 =P
😐 Huh, real mature court.
Wally should rescue osborne with water balloons.
Or that “spray” method. 😆 😉
the last bit of will to live that osborne had left? dont died osborne! 🙁
ooops, i meant die… 😳
i love it!!
this ones pretty awesome.
i like the juvies little outfit. 😛
HAHA! I think this is one of the best!
🙂 😀 😛 hehehe
HAHAHA!! Simon didn’t say . . 😎
At least I’m in the top 20 comments. Anyway, this comic definitely goes into the top 15. I miss Wally. 😥
Ooooh the gray baby penguin’s eyes on the second panel is sooo cute!!!! 😛 Can’t wait for the last Jury Duty comic. 😉
Lol I see all these Wally smilies and only a few Ozzys… Tyler, you know who we want!!
🙂 😕 😎 😀 😳 😛 😉 ➡ 😥 ➡ ❗ ❓
I agree with Save the Wally! and Bring Back Wally! =P. We all want Wally!!!! By the way, nice Jurassic Park images and InGen images you guys.
🙂 😕 😎 😳 😛 😀 😉 ➡ 😥 ➡ ❓
Thank you. BRING BACK THE WALLY! 😀 ❗
🙂 😐
😎 😈
😀 😯
😕 😡
😛 👿
😳 😮
😉 😆
😥 🙁
Some penguins just want to suck all the joy out of others…
Apparently they believe that Oz is a good target.
Not to mention will to live….
YO TRE!!!!! WE HAVE THE SAME NAME!SPELLED THE SAME TOO! 😮 😎 any ways tyler great comics i love the expesion on osbornes face GO WALLY!!!!!
🙂 😕 😎 😀 😳 😛 😉 😥
osbornes cool too 😐 😈 😯 👿 🙄 😮 😆 😡 🙁
😮 lol i love that smiley
by the way tyler do you hav any other web comics? just wondering ’cause ilove wally and osborne and would like to see more of your work
😉 🙂 😎
You know how there’s 2 ‘Tre’s posting well I had to go to Brian.V.P. because there is a Brian and a Briguy posting so yah.
Oh yah, Bring back Wally!!!
🙂 😕 😎 😀 😳 😛 😉 😥
ya well my name is with the little thingy see:tre` and the other one has no thingy see:tre
GO WALLY!!!!!!!!!! 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛
😎 😎