As long as Wally was enjoying himself. I like a lot of music, have a wide listening range even, but there is still some that I would no doubt prefer the static to.
Five Months Till Dark
Someone asked again about the long seasons without sun and without dark since I did another gag like that the other day with the stars. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, but if you are at either of the poles, the sun just circles around you. This changes though when the season changes, then there is a moon circling. Depending on the area of Antarctica, there are places that do somewhat have days and nights when the sun comes up a little bit and then goes down a bit in between the two seasons, summer and winter. I found this video with some great footage of this, it is a time-lapsed year from the McMurdo station (the largest outpost in Antarctica located at the Antarctic coastline that is closest to the south pole) and some from the Amundsen-Scott base at the south pole as well. The poster shares that there they have about 4 months of light, 4 months of dark and more or less normal days in between. It’s cool to see the sun and moon traveling sideways.
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Wow…static music. 🙂 The day/night video was reaaaaaaaallllly cool. 😀 I wish I could see the sun go round and round.
yeah Happy Thanksgiving! i like the third panel where wally looks like hes crying
Wally does look like hes hitting the radio.And that radio looks like a microwave with a handle,why does a radio have a timer-thing-ma-bob?
Osborne always ruins Wally’s entertainment. Cant a guy act childish for a minute or two?
Awww, poor wally. He’s totally a rocker too. Maybe he and the juvies penguins could start a band?
hey guys! yeah that would b cool if wally had a band.”the wally rockers!” lol that would be a good name. any1 who plays club penguin go 2 the usa server and go 2 grizzly.go 2 the pizza parlor and i will be there.im green and im named watsonford.
hey any1 read calvin and hobbes? its like really funny and its cool. pokemon! pokemon! pokemon! go to http://www.psypokes.com its all about antartica.
Poor Wally. He does look like he likes rock and roll music.