: Imitation Rocks
Aug 23, 2006 —
The bear has a bit of an itchy bum condition.
Also, it’s sad times when you have to create imitation rocks.
T-Shirt Sale!
If you have been wanting to get a Wally, Osborne or Penguins Is Serious shirt, this week is a good time as there is a 15% OFF SALE going on for orders of $15 or more. Use this coupon code: SUMMERSALE06
lol lol lol! I laughed my face off! Anyways tyler, ROCK ON! your adding new comics like everyday and they are hilarious and i really want to buy your books when they come out! looks like wally and osborne are quite in need of rocks! will these imitation rocks turn in to anything? who knows?
(p.s. wally is the life of this comic…osborne is the body.lol)
Great comic! 😀
Anyway I wish your summer sale had been about 5-6 weeks earlier which is when my family ordered my b-day presents :'( I could have got more 😛
Glad to see some daily updates! Another great strip Tyler!
i can’t wait for the book to come out Tyler.
i’m trying to convince my mom to get me a shirt
no luck yet, but hopefully the sale will help.
Stayed up all night and actually read EVERY single comic on back log. That was about three comics before that long posting gap. Great to see that On the Rocks is back to a normal-ish posting schedule. Thanks for the laughs, Tyler!
hee hee hee lol
love it! i also love the back-to-normal schedule!keep it up tyler! 🙂
why dont u do something on how wally actually ended up in antarctica from the arctic
Great comic and good to see that you have time to update more regularly again.
As a side note the coupon doesn’t seem to work in the Euro store. Is this offer for US only?
Ah another nice one (I’ve read them all, first time to make a comment though)
Great that they’re back on a regular basis, it was almost imbarrable to wait a whole week for one :p
I have a question though, how long does it take you (on average) to make one comic strip? From thinking up the idea, to drawing it, to completing it and then finally the upload?
hey everybody!!
Its Hannah the Penguin Freak in very penguiny mood
today so I am going to post TWO penguin facts!!!!
yup, TWO penguin facts for the price of one!!
ok, here’s the first one:
Chinstrap penguins stand about 28 inches (72 cm) tall and weigh about
9-14 lbs. (3.5-5 kg) 🙂
Here’s the second one:
There are only 800 Galapagos penguin breeding pairs left in the world. 😯
well bye bye.
PS-yay its back to the way it was: comics every weekday. 😀
Wally in 40 years: You kids have it easy! In my day, we had to make our own rocks!
HA HA HA HA HA HA!! Where’d he get the paint?
Which man and his army conquered Peru?
hey tyler, nice going! keep ’em up!
Maybe he got the paint from the warehouse Wally always breaks into. 😛
Any ways.. Wally’s hands remind me of when he thought the oil was chocolate.
Maybe he can paint some of his water balloons to make rocks. After “testing” it on Osborne we know they are definitely solid enough. 😆
Could wally have got the paint from where he was scratching?
eeewww lol ha.
he should water baloon everyone and take their rocks
“Which man and his army conquered Peru?”
Francisco Pizarro?
hahaha……….. gross
just lol
including his butt