Actually they could tunnel in. A tunnelled passage to the interior of an igloo was common to reduce wind or the loss of heat. Yeah, due to the insulative properties of even snow and ice, you could get warm inside an igloo. They were used by the indigenous people (the Inuit) of northern Canada and Alaska as shelter when hunting in winter.
Polar bears of course don’t make igloos but they do dig out little den’s in the snow to keep warm or birth their cubs. Seals do it too but dig their dens into the snow up from the water. The polar bears know this and hunt for these little dens to pop their nose in for a plump little snack. Yeah, sorry, yet again the young in the wild are often food.
And of course there were no igloos in Antarctica as there were no indigenous people of Antarctica. But that would have been cool, those people would have been hardcore.
Stuff Around Here
Here’s a list of stuff I’ve been busy with around here (reprint! 🙂 ).
- I redid the downloads page, I added some ad banners so if you would like to help spread the word about the comic I would love you for that. I need to get some more wallpapers made too.
- I added an e-mail page so now you can send your thoughts directly to me if you want.
- I’ve started creating On the Rocks content that you can view on your iPod.
- The store is open if you would like to buy a shirt and support the comic, you can order from USA or Europe depending which is closer. I’ll be adding more designs to choose from soon.
That’s all for now. See you tomorrow!
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Well I myself have made an Igloo 2 or 3 times, you see I’m sorta into ice sculpturing and I started with igloos and moved on.Anyway I’ve been through one avalanche, pretty lucky survival, I made a little den for the day just to try it out and I sculptured some stuff just for fun and there was an avalanche on the same cliff, I think 4 or 5 people died and 2 were missing. 3 people survived, they found one alive and me and my buddy in our little den, we were lucky that we had some shovels handy and we could shovel our way out.
Wow, that’s amazing. I was thinking that sounded pretty cool until I read that people died.
Native Antarcticans(?) sure would be hardcore. I bet the Inuit could have done it, if they could have been transported to the other side of the world like that. They ate mostly sea mammals, and there’s enough of them in Antarctica. The Tierra del Fuegans were close enough to maybe make the leap, but their environment was too different, I think. They wouldn’t have known what to do.
Good thing they didn’t figure it out, though. Just look at what happened when the Polynesians found new islands. Penguins would have been, if not extinct, then at least way reduced.
I would have probabley say “I’ve made a few snow forts” except I’ve never seen snow! *starts sobbing because I live in florida*
Mud forts are more defensible anyhow.
Wouldn’t you be able to take out one of the “snow bricks” without the whole thinging falling off?
what time zone are you in tyler martin? im in the florida/new york city/half of gorgia/east coast of the U.S.A. time zone.
Mountain Standard.
And yeah Alexander, that is quite a story!
Well the two missing people were found alive, they had survived under the rebel of a small cottage, the dead people were actually quite old by memory a group of pensioned men.
Tyler, you don’t live in. . . UTAH. . . do you?
Nope. New Mexico currently.
cool you live relly…far away oh… 🙁
please move to texas
dude what’s so bad about living in Utah??? i like Utah. i live in Washington, but still…..? is it because of the Latter-Day Saints? (LDS, Mormon, etc.) if it is, well, then grrr
(me)I made one too (off camera) err…its just a door (me)O_o AUH CHOO
Bless you.