…Or Wally wins by a landslide… err iceslide.
The ice around Antarctica is constantly changing, in winter the waters around it freeze and then when summer comes the ice starts to crack apart and break away, that’s where we get iceburgs. The freezing has formed large ice shelves around the continent, many of them are permanent having been there thousands of years. It is natural for them to grow and shrink with the seasons, but with global warming these days, scientists are seeing more of these ice shelves starting to permanently dissapear and the largest chunks of it on record are breaking away. Like the size of Rhode Island and Delaware.
Apparently there is not an immediate concern for the global effect of the loss of these gigantic shelves of ice but it does affect Antarctica’s own ecosystem. Less ice means less krill which is at the bottom of it’s food chain. Also, if Antarctica continues to produce less ice, Scientists believe it will and is already effecting the world’s deep ocean circulation system, that Antarctica provides it with dense oxygen-rich seawater. This could lead to the production of less phytoplankton, which is important to the ocean’s ecosystem. This could affect more than just Antarctic wildlife but all marine life.
The biggest concern, if the ice shelves continue to permanently dissapear, then next to go will be the enormous ice sheets that sit on the land of Antarctica. The melting of ice shelves do not contribute to the sea level as they are already in the ocean, but if the Western ice sheet starts to go, it could actually raise the sea level 20 feet and have adverse effects on the Earth’s climate. Don’t worry, this is not all going to happen tomorrow, scientists say we should be good for another 100 years, however some smaller changes may be seen in as few as 30 from the loss of the ice shelves.
The hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica has actually been getting better the last few years with more control over air pollution. However scientists that formerly said it could possibly repair itself by 2050 are now thinking maybe 2065.
Shop On the Rocks
If you haven’t visited it yet, last Friday I set up an online store for On the Rocks. The store is US based but will ship all over. If you’re over on the other side of the world you might wait as I’m setting up another store that ships from Europe, so it will be a bit cheaper for you on the shipping. Currently there is just a black Osbourne shirt and a blue Wally shirt. I just wanted to start with a couple basic designs. I’ll be adding more, I know some of you have suggested designs from specific comics and I’ll start workin on those soon and get more shirts on there for you to choose from.
Also it was mentioned about putting the name or URL on the shirts. I appreciate the suggestion, but I chose not to because I didn’t want you to be walking billboards, I want the shirt design to look the best it can (plus printing on back of shirt drives up the cost). And if someone asks about it, I’m sure you’ll tell them about the comic. Although maybe if I put the URL on there then I can pay you guys to wear the shirts. 😉
So I’ll get working on some more designs to choose from. If you have something you’d like to see then be sure to leave a comment. For those purchasing shirts I really appreciate the support. It’s rewarding to think of Wally and Osbourne being warn on people out there in the real world.
Dang I was wordy today. 🙂
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Wally’s a Missing A Few Braincells aint he Tyler. lol . btw W000T my very own Wally T-Shirt oh n btw Tyler cud u gimme ur em-ail address i’d like 2 send u a picture of a shirt design that i though of. actually its not so much a design just some places that the On The Rocks logo could go i mean it just dont seem nice to wear ur merchandise and not advertise at the same time its just Human. I Wanna Promote On The Rocks as much as possible. i’ve already got like all my frnds hooked on it. BTW the forums are really dead now. Come On PPL Visti The Forums. Without PPL On the Forums the Forums are as exciting as staring at the ceiling of your room
I’ll have to have the SuperVegito Promotional Shirt with added flashing lights. 😉 I appreciate your enthusiasm for the promotion so I’ll make sure to include something there, maybe not really the flashing lights though.
With comments on the comics pages there is less need to go journey into the forums. Everyone can just easily post stuff here. Although pretty quiet today, I’m thinking maybe noone wanted to comment without reading the text but there was so much of it today noone took the time to read it either, heh.
At any rate, see everyone tomorrow.
Uh, why just shirts? Did you open a shirt shop?
What Colour Lights?
I spent an hour staring the the ceiling of my room, and I have scientifically proven that it is more interesting than the ontherockscomics forum. Sad but true.
Dunno what the forum lacks, but whatever it is, you need to make em more interesting somehow. Maybe an area where visitors can offer ideas for comics? 2 minds is better than one, wonder what a few thousand can come up with.
If 1 man can make me laugh till my sides are red sore, I bet 1000 could probably kill me.
Forums are dumb…I agree you have a comment section now and thats good enough I mean it’s a comic for gosh sakes…plus I disagree with the idea of having people putting there ideas and spin on your comic…this isn’t a community project this is your baby…your art…the only way you can keep from comprimising this very good thing you got going is to just do the voodoo that you do. Plus if I got to choose how you spend your OTR time it would be working on better wallpaper and T-shirt designs not working on a forum. Variety is the spice of life!
Here’s the thing Yo Sis, every comic strip artist gets fan mail with ideas. It’s an incredible sign of respect to the artist. He got inside someone’s head!
Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert says he gets soo many of his ideas from stories people tell him. True, he doesn’t let ideas direct what will happen in the comic, but he does acknowledge their creativity and occasionally finds a way to write it into the storyline.
Tyler’s got a great setup here. I’m glad all of us can agree / disagree about this great comic! 🙂
Dis to the Sis eh James…..ha ha JK your probably right about all that…and your for sure right about Tyler having a good thing : )
No dis at all Sis. Your words are as valid as every fan here 🙂
Dude… I love your comic, I started to shuffle in the archive when I was supposed to go sleep and i must admit… I staid 3 hours up too much xD
Anyway, I posted my comment on this strip because it’s one of my favorite.
Klawful n Swade Says:
December 13th, 2005 at 7:02 am
Dunno what the forum lacks, but whatever it is, you need to make em more interesting somehow. Maybe an area where visitors can offer ideas for comics? 2 minds is better than one, wonder what a few thousand can come up with.
If 1 man can make me laugh till my sides are red sore, I bet 1000 could probably kill me.
i doubt it.
*giggles* lol.
wally wins by a….er ice shelf sli…..wha?
😥 this could mean the end the banana daiquiris as we know it…also life 😯
Don’t feel bad about them. “HOLY SWEET WHALE CARCASS! THIS ICE SHELF IS GONNA BREAK! RUN!!!” Good thing they got there fast!=)
Uh, it’s actully Holy SWEET Whale Carcass. That’s just the way it is.
Look at how Osbourne runs!