: Homemade Video Game
Jun 29, 2007 —
I tried making a video game out of paper and a box (and a few other craft items) once as a kid. Of course this was before I had a Nintendo or Playstation so it would have been quite the item to own, and quite an accomplishment in engineering as well. I believe it was to feature a spaceship that had to fly through some obstacles… like meteors, along a rolling paper backdrop. I don’t think I ever quite figured out how it would keep score. Wally has a pretty solid scoring system in place though, permanent win for the win!
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Gosh I’m so talkative.
Friendly Penguin signing off (:>O)3
Now, here’s my crazy fellow, Crazy: o_O or >:(
Bramblefire also signing of.
Here is my cat head ^__^
( ‘ . ‘ )
And here are my cat claws ___ ___
( | ) ( | )
| ‘ . ‘ |
Wait a minute – how does Osborne use a joypad with flippers
maybe he pushes the buttons with his beak)
If you turn the game upside down, the score is 5 to 21!
Osbourne really *is* bad at games!
Wow. He is bad at that game.
I feel so bad for Osborne.
How do u make those cool comics? What do you use? Just paper and a pencil?

I used to stuff like that all the time as a kid!
I did a comic about it too
i luv dis comic! its totally funny!
Once I tred to make a computer game. The empty pizza box was my computer and a rock was my character. I put sticks in the pizza box. shook up the pizza box then put my rock at one corner and tried to get to the other corner by goin’ through the maze of sticks. Succesful, but it had one flaw
when there was no path to the other corner. It was also 2 player. 2 people put there rocks at opisite corners and then race to the other person’s corner 
I tried making a video game out of paper and a box (and a few other craft items) once as a kid. Of course this was before I had a Nintendo or Playstation so it would have been quite the item to own, and quite an accomplishment in engineering as well. I believe it was to feature a spaceship that had to fly through some obstacles… like meteors, along a rolling paper backdrop. I don’t think I ever quite figured out how it would keep score. Wally has a pretty solid scoring system in place though, permanent win for the win!
PenguinLuver,He uses ComicPress and WordPress.
In a few hours I shall depart for the air port. i shall not return for 3 weeks and 3, possibly 4, days. I am leaving.goodbye to all. I am leaving. Farewell.
You goin’ to England?
Ooo! Ooo! Take me ! Take me ! XD
tyler when are you gonna post some more comics
Hey,whit1127(crazycat12),look at the July 5th blog post he did!He says he’s off for the W&O Aniversary week!I think he’ll do something tommorow…We’ll see :shrug:
Maybe he’s doin’ a late comic like he’s been doin’ lately…Right,Tyler?
Hey, I would love to make my own comic, even though I am 8!
wally is horrible
he a meanie
poor penguin
but they are very funny!
http://wallyandosborne.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_mrgreen.gif http://wallyandosborne.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_idea.gif i made a handheld game from a block of wood.(no, it didn’t work. http://wallyandosborne.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_rolleyes.gif
heh heh heh…..
Can’t they just get a REAL video game system?