: Having Some Friends Over
Oct 9, 2006 —
Nothing like some wild and crazy friends to wreck a house. This is the last comic in the hole. 😀
Update – October 11
I’m sorry but there are not going to be any new comics for the next couple days. I just have to fully jump onto a project for someone that I keep putting aside and get it done. It was suppose to be some promotional artwork for a book and the book’s been out now since last month. 😯
Nope no new comic for 100 cause now it is 101!
comic we need comic… *gasp for breath*… comic where are you??????????
the worst part about this wait is this comic isn’t the greatest i’ve seen, i mean certain comics are funnier than others
my favorite is the internet popups: http://wallyandosborne.com/2005/07/28/the-internet-popups/
man sooo close yet soooo far
Now Wally’s “friends” are stuck in the hole. Maybe Wally, Osborne, and the “friends” will make a ladder of themselves . Osborne would have probably bean the bottom of the ladder and left in the hole though.
wally needs help, mental help
izzieluv, you just relized that now. Sheesh were have you been the last year!
Just a reminder to some folks:
this comic was the last in the line of the hole digging
The next comic will be entiraly new, and iirc, not even a new story line, just back to random comic jokes again 😉
Hey Christina, my computer isn’t working at all so compared to me you got it good. I’m at the library right now so I’m starting to realize, Ever scince my computer broke there has only been 1 comic. That is very sad Tyler.
I’m sooooo sorry everyone! Like Penguin Guru said, my computer is down and I couldn’t post any facts, so here’s a whole paragraph about polar bears!
Polar bears are a potentially threatened endangered species living in the circumpolar north. They are animals which know no boundaries. They pad across the ice from Russia to Alaska, from Canada to Greenland and onto Norway’s Svalbard archipelago. No adequate census exists on which to base a worldwide population estimate, but biologists use a working figure of perhaps 22,000 to 25,000 bears with about sixty percent of those living in Canada.
what the hell is with all these diffrent comics?????!!!!?? this is about wally and ousbourne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
arhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! comments
Tyler , helllooooooooooooooooooooooooo ? It’s been 12 days since the new comic came out ! Don’t make it 2 more days ! Don’t make it 2 weeks ! Please , we beg you !
Ha !! 112th comment ! Wow! : – 0