Heh, Wally has been cracking me up. I guess that’s good for your own character to crack you up, when they’ve developed themselves into something seemingly beyond yourself. If I wake up one day with no friends, I’ll still have Wally, and he’ll make me laugh. Hopefully you guys are entertained as well, or entertained at watching me entertain myself.
Little Osbourne is so not eating himself there. He’s totally pulling a Cookie Monster. That used to kind of frustrate me as a kid, seeing Cookie Monster eat cookies, he would just crumble them up and let them fall out of his mouth, I wanted to see him actually get some of the cookie. It was so unsatisfying. Then I would think they could have designed the puppet better. I would make holes in the back of my puppets mouths so they could swallow items. And stuffed animals I had that weren’t puppets, they got oral surgery and became sort of Frankenpuppets.
Polar Bear Day Coming Up
Speaking of Wally, International Polar Bear Day is coming up next Monday. So be sure to be here for a Polar Bear Day strip and extra Polar Bear news items. If you want to send Wally gifts, just send them to me, he likes all the stuff I do, especially US currency. 😉
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lol Tastes like ‘chicken’ alright. =D
Chicken flavoured snow….
bobby bobby bobby
Wally sure cracks me up! He’s really cool 😀
He and I have a lot in common 🙂
poor Osbourne, it must be tough for him to be molting and having a friend like wally. poor little guy 😉
“seeing Cookie Monster eat cookies, he would just crumble them up and let them fall out of his mouth, I wanted to see him actually get some of the cookie. It was so unsatisfying” –Tyler Martin
“That’s sad.” –Osbourne S. Penguin
i really enjoy ur comics! 😀
Thanks Ashley, I enjoy having you as a reader.
Heh, what’s the S stand for Sev?
Kat, you have a lot in common physically or mentally. 😀
I really love Wally in the last panel, by the way.
This is great! The strip from yesterday reminded me of “lil brudder” from homestar runner… haha good job Tyler!
Heheh, lil brudder. I’ll have to watch that one again.
“I’m at a cwosswoads in my life, and there’s a Denny’s on one side, and an I-Hop on the other”.
Oral surgery?
Ehm… I looked up oral in the dictionary…
“Of or relating to the first stage of psychosexual development in psychoanalytic theory, from birth to about 18 months, during which the mouth is the chief focus of exploration and pleasure. The oral stage is followed by the anal stage.”
what a great sintific fa….(falls asleep).
I’m not hungry anymore, either.
OH MAN!LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!THATS SICK AND WRONG AND CRAZY AND HILAURIUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!wallys little mind really escaped there.I sorta know about that cuz i’m a bit of a ventrwilicwist(with acual ,good,quality puppets in wich u use ur hands,but they r big),but not at that level