Wally… the Polar Nerd.
I bet that smarted. Yeah, I said it.
I’ve worn glasses for years, since I couldn’t see the chalkboard anymore from the back of the classroom in middle-school (Sugg Middle School in Lisbon Falls, Maine to be exact). Glasses are kind of a nuisance, so I switch back and forth now from glasses to contact lenses. Contact lenses seem like they work better as far as vision goes, less distortion since they are right on your eye, and no scratches or eyelash grease, but each has its downfall. When I put glasses on at night it messes with my equilibrium a bit, and takes a minute for my eyes to adjust to focusing with them after being used to the lenses. But then if you put on a pair of glasses that are not your prescription like Wally did, it’s eye-strain city.
And I don’t know what it is about looking smarter with glasses. But it’s true, somehow bad vision equals smarter… :/
Sun Sneeze Follow-up
I wanted to thank Peter and Chris in the comments the other day for mentioning the official name of sun sneezes… photic sneezes, caused by the photic sneeze reflex. The long name is Autosomal dominant Compelling Helio-Ophthalmic Outburst Syndrome, whose backronym is of course… ACHOO (a backronym is an acronym that is formed so that it will purposely be a specific word or group of letters, in this case to be somewhat humorous). Also, apparently the theory of the optic nerve triggering the sneeze nerve when the person is exposed to bright light such as the sun is the accepted theory. So there you go.
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ok that is anuf spam
First this is kinda weird because the day that this comic was posted i got my new glasses! 😛 Like Tyler I cant see the chalkboard or T.V. etc.
Those glasses make Wally look dumber than ever! 😆 and where did wally get that gold tooth?
B.T.W My school Stafford Elementary IS OFF FOR CHRISTMAS 2 AND A HALF WEEKS! 🙂 😀 im really lucky 😉
Mine gets off 3 weeks. It’s always been like that for me.
my school, brookland middle school, is out of school for 2 weeks. it started 2 days ago.
NO FAIR!! Our school only lets us out for a week and a day. We return on the second of Jan. 🙁 >:(
Same with me! 🙂
I`m on break(victory music plays)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
im out for 2 weeks from dec 18- jan. 2!
hey all
sorry i haven’t been on for a few days, our computer broke down and so we couldn’t use it 🙁 but it’s a great comic!
if the glasses makes him walk SMARTER now, i wonder how he walked before…
Osborne with his trusty mug of coffee.
adds a nice touch
kayla, your fact is wrong. Not all penguins live there!
Haha! Wally is a polar nerd! Good one, Tyler!