: Freeing Fishies
Dec 13, 2005 —
Here we actually get a glimpse at some of the complex inner workings of Wally’s mind.
I’m not sure what it is, but we all love to feed animals, all over the place we see signs that say “do not feed the animals”, because they know we will, because we love it. I don’t know if it’s some built in nurturing thing, but we love to give them snacks and pat their little heads…. and most animals seem to love a free handout.
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lol this is good
i luv the drawing style
I’ve actually seen a sign saying “Do not feed the Lion”. I was just looking at it sleeping when it suddenly woke up, jumped at me (at the fence) and took/ate my hat. My mate jokingly said “he was trying to feed the lion his hat” and the dumb security guy took him for serious and had us kicked out of the zoo, even though we explained what happened.
I lodged a complaint, but nothing happened.
True story.
“Do not….” signs are like red rags to bulls. It brings the rebel out in us all.
Love Wally’s eyes…..they add so much. Ty I just love the way you draw the other wild life it is sooooooooooooo good! The bull elephant walrus, the leopard seal, the emperor penguins, the cute little fish, the seals, and lets not forget Max dear sweet Max how I miss him!
I’m working from home, it’s snowing out and I have a bad cold, but once again, Wally has made me laugh out loud!
What kind of Seals are those, and do they eat Penguins?
Crazy story Klaw. 😯
Thanks Sis!
Yay for snow. We got some here the other day. Sorry about the cold Julie.
Sev, you actually find out in Thursday’s comic, stay tuned for the exciting conclusion! Heh.
This is a great strip. Lol!
a moment of silence for the fishy.
Yeah,a moment of silence for the fish………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Man! Do I love the way you draw expressions on their faces!
dieng fish don’t count
My friend Ashley was trying to free some crab cakes during one of my vacations(I persuaded my parents to take her). My skua ‘friend’ was nearby with his mate and they ate the freed crabcakes as soon as Ashley threw them. She was so sad after that…..
Your comics are really bringing back some memories….
ow man!!!!!!!!!I may be a kid but i can tell when there is a comic geius(wich recwiers to be a genius)AND UR ONE TYLER!!!! 😀 😀 😀