I didn’t really have plans to do undies strips past the first one. It was a one-comic gag that just went out of control. But it was fun and the undie heroes will definitely return some time to save the day again. More than a week straight of seeing them in their undies could be hazardous to your health.
Blame the Zoo!
Today’s comic was actually suppose to be last Friday’s but I got running behind last week, I figured I would to it Friday morning, but instead I went to the zoo with the kids and it was awesome! 😉 I was going to start with some different strips today but I just couldn’t leave the guys falling. No matter what I like to have new comics on Monday to start the week off, I have some news items too but I’ll have to cover them tomorrow.
Anyway, I renewed my zoo membership there, it’s nice having a pass to go whenever you want, then it’s just like going to the park but there are all sorts of cool animals too. It’s great exercise hiking around it, and they’ve been doing a lot of cool stuff at our zoo too.
The best thing about going several times in a season is to see animals at different times and catch them at play. You don’t have to see them all in one day and can spend longer at different exibits. We were really fortunate to catch the polar bears playing, it was great. One of them had his big plastic disc he was tossing into the water and jumping on. Then he would float around with his head resting on it. One time he got it up out of the water, got on it on all fours and proceeded to pounce on it with his front two feet, which is instinctively how polar bears break through the ice in hunting seals.
Unfortunately we don’t have penguins at our zoo, they are a pretty rare exhibit. I’m happy to have the polar bears and seals though. It’s Spring, so many of the birds were away nesting… and many of the other animals were quite “frisky”.
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Haha, I’d love to have third panel as my wallpaper 😀
The Forth panel is GOLD. Literally, biong young and witnessing something so brutal will hurt you back in the future 🙂
Alexander, The Bulgarian
he used hardcore 2 times.
That poor penguin’s going to twitch that eye everytime someones mentions underwear
Unauthorized? What do you MEAN “unauthorized?”
I’m blind! |-p
Excellent finale. Excellent.
Say, just to ask, didn’t Tyler, in some long past strip, mention adopting a penguin? He said he’d have it by Monday and hasn’ mentioned it since. Did something happen, or was this some sort of cruel april fools trick?
Oh, never mind. I just read the comment about April fools. But one question, what is Penguin warehouse supposed to be? It just looks like a bunch of quotes.
Where did the capes go? 😉
lol nice “hardcore wedgie” line
lol lol lol
that little penguin did look cute though… 🙂
I’ve always loved the zoo, just a habit. Glad to hear you had fun, 1 time I was at the zoo and a peacock started chasing me for no reason, lol. 😀
are zoo has penguins cool. 🙂
Yeah I’ve been to the zoo at time when the animals were a little too “frisky”, the poor monkey was all alone at the time though… this is only funny because I was 5 and I saw it and asked my mom what he was doing.
Not to brag but….. My zoo has birds in tuxes!
Hey, Superwally has returned!
That’s another time! HOLY SWEET WHALE CARCASS!