: Crossword Puzzle
Jul 16, 2007 —
Crossword puzzles are definitely not my specialty. I read those ambiguous hints and my mind just kind of fades off.
I’m actually not very good at darts either… but they’re fun. 😀
Maybe First Comment!
I hate crosswords they get boring =p
Second comment! For crossword puzzles, I like placing them down and placing ants on them and watching them race around, I reward the winner, though I don’t know how they’re playing or how I choose the winner… ❓
You have to stand that close too! Woot!
😀 I’m better at darts than crossword puzzles,also sudoku is nice.
I suck at darts but I’m kinda good at crossword puzzles 😀 😀 😀 Yay! I go fifth comment for the first time! 😀 😀 😀
sorry I mean I got fifth comment
how do they get newspapers in Antartica? probably the Penguin Times. 😆 great comic!
I don’t like darts but I love crossword puzzles. DID YOU HEAR THAT, TYLER? 😐
haha that would make it more fun!!! 😀
lol awesome comic! whens the book coming out?
i am so bad at crossword puzzles!
darts too, but it would still be more fun that way 😎
I hate crossword puzzles! 😡 My music teacher made my class do this long crossword puzzle in his class for a whole period! It was so boring!!! Wally’s idea of using darts is MUCH FUNNER. 😛
They should give better hints.
Yah, I agree with LTaniki in the comment above, there should be better hints. So I just stick with the comics in the newapaper!
So do I Brian,that’s what I pretty much do…Skip to the comics. 🙂 I hate crossword puzzles but I have never tried darts ❓ Hmmmmm… 💡
Wally:Don’t get any ideas…
Me:Oh,don’t worry,I will-er-won’t … 💡
Linked over here from “Stripteasecomic.com” about a week ago, and finally got caught up. Love me the pengies, which is what attracted me in the first place. But Wally and Osborne remind me of me and a close friend, so I find the comic all that more entertaining. I do believe in our on going water balloon battle, I’m losing…by a lot. 😀
at times crossword puzzles can be fun,,,,,,,,,,if ya actually know the stuff its talkin bout
awesome comic tyler its awesomerific and fantastilistic (yes im weird) 😎
Haha Revenge on the Crossword Puzzles! 😆 😆 😆 😀 😀 😀
Hey,whitney! Wally’s accually said “Yumtastiriffic!” before ❗ And “Fantastical!” ❗
Three words: I HATE CROSSWORDS! Good job Tyler.
They get the newspaper from Club Penguin!
😉 ❗
Nice wittle cwossy words! 😆
:???::?: :eek::!: :smile::idea: :lol::arrow:
Argh! We’ve got no time fer yer dainty, little “crossword puzzles”, aboard me ship! Although, I once plundered a newspaper from a little girl, once. I was flippin’ through it, and saw the puzzle. I could hardly see straight, fer a fortnight! ARGH!
Awesome comic, as usual.
I got a bulls eye in darts once.
aw cool i didnt know that-fantastilistic is my new word i got from joseph jonas 😎
thnx dude sorry i cant type ur name
This is exactly what I expected to find out after reading the title Crossword Puzzle. Thanks for informative article
Die Crossword puzzle die!!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 😈 😈
I have to say, that I could not agree with you in 100% regarding Crossword Puzzle, but it’s just my opinion, which could be wrong 🙂
Crosswords. They can be awesome puzzles, not to mention sometimes brain bogglers.
Yeah, I think that there’s a new W&O product line coming…… Crossword Darts with Wally on one color of the darts, blue, and Oz on the other orange ones.
ha for once osborne isn’t getting bashed up by that stupid polar bear wally.
i love sudoku and darts, i am not very good at crosswords but i like fillng it with nonsense words and finding realwords in them
Heh heh. Wally and Osborne sed a crossword puzzle from a newspaper as a target game. Pretty clever of them, huh?