See yuh Wally, I’ve decided it will be more of a challenge to write with just one character. ๐ฏ Also, the original art for this strip is available for purchase.
The colossal squid (Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni) which is thought to grow up to 13 or 14 meters long is even larger than the giant squid which is estimated to average about 10 meters long. It is known to live in Antarctic waters and has the largest eye in the animal kingdom. Just like the giant squid, they are known to battle with sperm whales. Their tentacles are shorter than the giant squid but their mantle (head) is much larger. Also, rather than having suckers lined with small “teeth”, their suckers have swiveling hooks… yikes!
A full specimen was discovered on the surface of the water in the Antarctic back in 2003. Then in February of 2007, a fishing boat caught the largest known specimen in Antarctica’s Ross sea (10 meters long and 495 kilograms or 33 feet and 1,091 pounds).
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Yay first comment! poor wally.
2nd comment!
Love it!
Oh no, please let Wally survive! And btw, the cartoon is called “Wally & Osborne” and not only “Osborne”! ๐
ok, I think this is my favorite Wally and Osborne strip!!!! You have a twisted sense of humor……..keep it up!
Wally survive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ๐ฎ
Wally’s the best though! ๐ ๐
๐ ๐ณ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ฅ
Wally looks pretty cute in the second panel. ๐
that was my happy tear, i hadn’t been checking updates for so long… i even thought wally and osborne was all over… but i just checked today, and this comic is so great! it was worth the wait ๐
LOL!!! “it loves me!” ๐
Funny. Welcome back!!!!!!

Somehow, this strip is scary. ๐ฎ The squid just dragged Wally down . . . and he’s gone.
awww… inter-species love!!! =)
Yay… they’re back! I’m so glad to see you back! ๐
I stopped checking daly a few weeks ago… and now it’s back… i’m sooooo happy!
Do Icebears like squid?
– kruemi
i like it!It is funny!
the. . .squid. . .ATE. . Wally. . .
๐ฎ ๐ฎ ๐ฎ ๐ฎ ๐ฎ SQUID! ๐ฎ ๐ฎ ๐ฎ ๐ฎ
eat me!Ill save wally!
ok guys i think it was just a joke. on the other hand the comic was very funny 1 of my favs. and on the othed other hand i would not mind all that much if wally is ogne altho he is my fav he can be replaced with some 1 better or as good!!…..but trust me it was only a joke ๐
When you are out of ideas try these:
Tell how Wally got into Antarctica, make Max the Prehistoric Penguin return and rescue Wally from the Squid, or have Wally and Osborne try and market the Icebox with the juvie`penguins! LOL! funny but somewhat creepy! ๐
๐ Sorry Wally, but I don’t think that relationship is going to last very long. Funny though. Oh what the hey, that was hilarious!
๐ does this mean wally is gone forever, or that osborne will try to rescue him รยก la Quest for the Beak
Wally! Use your powers you learned from Osbourne!
Tyler, the break must have supercharged you cuz you’re on a roll!
Don’t kill Wally! ๐ฎ
I like that one but I wounder what the rest of the squid looks like!!! ๐ ๐
Tyler, THANK U!!! I missed Ozzy so much I hug my real Ozzy every night to show how much I missed his comic… UNTIL NOW!!!! The world is in its right order once again!!
^^^^^P.S. Don’t forget to vote for the Shout It Out Awards! Just click on that little Tre up there^^^^^^
one of my favorite “original arts”, usually i am not to crazy about them. but this one is soooo oooo oooo (yes, there are spossed to be spaces, 4 is my luck #)cute!!! !:)
Oh, no! Please don’t let that squid kill Wally!