: Can Shakin
Jan 26, 2007 —
Yes, shaking a can of gravel or change, another method often used in training pets. Although it looks like Wally has finally solved his fighting penguin problem, they didn’t need discipline after all, just a little attention and direction.
The original art from this comic will be available on the art order page, first come first serve!
Since we got Wally dancing in the comic, I thought it was time to get Paper Wally dancing (like Osborne was the other day).
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cool comic!
That last panel. GREAT Drawing style. I dig it.
YAY! TOP3!! 3rd comment sweet in the last panel they should have Wally in an Elvis suit and the penguins in little Elvis siuts! 😆 nice comic Tyler see my last comment in last comic! 😛
third comment wooo yaaaa 1/26/2007
wally has a hole in him in that animation
well so he fixt the problume (or did he)
hay the chat box dosint work so wll maby u shuld replace it with a better one tyler
Tshirt of the last panel! I love it!
Won’t that “rattle” make even more noise? 😛
Love the last panel! Those dancing penguins are absolutely brilliant! 😀
One word… AWESOME!!!
swing it! xD
Hilarious! 😆
Cool! They are having fun and not fighting anymore! Wally’s plan backfired, but in a good way. Great comic! Love the last panel. 😀
hope there’ll be tshirt or at least a wallpaper with the last pannel: too great !
They should have stuffed snow cooler sound! 🙂
Whoa, so cool. Wally gives out great music. 😉
Cool Wally dancing. Although, I see a hole in him? Is it supposed to be like that? 😕
hey people
i love.
there should definately be a backround of the last panel. 😀
HAHA!! That panel sooo needs to be a t-shirt saying, “How to Discipline Your Penguin:” A background would be nice too.
Those paper animations are just plain scary.
I agree….. HAH! a wallpaper would be awesome. In the mean time, i’ll stick with a default one =)
hahaha!!! luv the dancing penguins!!!! and i also luv the dancing wally thing!!! this is soooo hilarious!!!! and btw, me and Hannah have this positively scary science teacher!!!! i don’t know what it is, but he is scaring people!!! i am afraid to even look up while i am doing my work!!!!!!
AAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hope no one else has ever had a teach like him!!!
oops, in my last comment i meant “teacher” not “teach”
p.s. i think wally dancing with the penguins should be a wallpaper!!! oh yeah!!
I think that’s the best fully drawn frame that you’ve done so far! Now more penguins will come, and they’ll be able to start a whole club.
Why isn’t Osborne dancing with them, though? He was just there for the spray method. He didn’t even COMMENT on the dancing.
haha! Wally can never win with these guys!:)
Great job….it made me smile;)
awww, those penguins didn’t need a daddy, they needed a friend.
I like wally’s face in the second panel,
SCARY can!!
And the third panel is so cute!!
Wally is just so full of child-like wonder. But in the third panel, do you think his facial features show:
a) Sheer terror from the scary can of rocks
b)excitement from finally being able to punish the chinstraps
c) realization that his can is freaking awesome
I LOVE IT!!! You should so totally make that an original artwork piece and definitely wallpaper too!!!
Did you know the three pages in the book are done!? COOL!!
I like it when Wally and the penguins were dancing! 🙂
HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so much for that 😀
Way to go Tyler! Three pages… A milestone! Orange Juice, I think he’s realizing that the can is freakin awsome!
Hey a Tyler the wikipedia entry for ‘Wally and Osborne’ is UP FOR DELETION!!!!!
just to warn you If you don’t know and all you other Wally and Osborne fans contribute to it so it won’t be deleted!
classic wally
Ha ha, this is one of the best comics ever. Seriously, if the last panel isn’t made into a t-shirt, or at least a wallpaper, I might have to jump off a really high building. Which would be a shame, seeing as Spiderman 3 is coming out in a few months.
Wally and Osborn lovers: I am participating in a campign trying to help generate awareness of the genocide (pretty much a fancy word for mass killings for younger people) in the area of Darfur in Sudan. Since the begining of this this year, there have been more than 500,000 killed by the Janjaweed militia supported by te government. My group asked my to contact as many people as I could, so I’m pretty much doing this everywhere. If you want more information, click on my name. I apologize if this offends anyone or sucks the fun out the comic for you. Every person who visits the site is appreciated alot.
I hope the Wikipedia etry isn’t deleted. Sorry OrAnGe JuIcE, but I’m in the middle of Europe! I don’t think I can help…
the last panel should be on
a shirt
lol, you should also make a pictap with wally and the can of rocks in his hand. it would look like he was shaking it 🙂
thats amazing can you make a background of wally shaking the can
ARGH! I love this comic, Tyler! I really love the sound effect, too! SHUKA SHUKA! ARGH!
Well i made a “Wally shaking can” pictaps, i bet tyler could do a better one, but oh well.
Click my name for a link to it.
no, sorry wrong link!!
Hopefully that is better!!!
Yep that is the right link!!!!! That is the one above this one, NOT the one on top!!
hey people
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀
The book progress is now 3 out of 72!!!!!!!!!!!!
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀
😆 I was wondering if I would ever see those two get along.( and still be concious).
This stinks!!! Man it stinks out loud!!!!! Woo does this stink!!!!!!! bye!!!!!! P.S. IT STINKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
👿 Kill joy!
Hey Christina! That’s preety good! Except for the head it’s awsome!
ha ha they started dancing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

love the comic!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nice thing christina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i request a wallpaper of that last frame…