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50: BASE Jumping: Broken Limbs
Sep 2, 2005

Falling through ice is nothing new in Antarctica and something the researchers there have to be careful of, especially when moving by large vehicle. Antarctica is in a constant state of freezing and thawing and its terrain of ice is constantly changing. In its summer the continent shrinks down closer to its actual land area size and in the winters the surrounding ice grows to double the continent’s surface area.


  1. bobo says:

    im not sure if oww or eww fits beter.

  2. taylor says:

    HAHA! I love the little hole in the ice made by the donut. It make me laugh out loud.

  3. Me too!What flavor was it again!

  4. someone says:

    I agree with bobo.

  5. Garrett says:

    Woah, I didn’t even notice the donut hole. I love the comment feature even more. Wouldn’t have noticed that without it.

  6. crazycat12 says:

    me neither + thats cool and i dont think if the limbs arent atached but in good condition they are necicarily broken

  7. yexy says:

    XD I LOVE the donut hole.

  8. Jenny says:

    “I KNEW IT! Wally did become a SPLATTER.” Osborne was right. When they went skydiving, OSBORNE touched the ground first. Not WALLY.

  9. Osbourne says:

    There so has to be a donut shop in that cavern 🙂

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