Water wings, what odd little inventions, making children look like little bobbing musclemen in the water. It’s surprising they work at all being such an odd design. Sorry to leave the characters in such a dire position, will Osbourne be eaten by the leopard seal, will Wally drown? Have to wait and see.
Drowning Polar Bears & A Missing Penguin
On the subject of a drowning polar bear and no good news, that’s what I have here, no good news. I had mentioned the global warming leaving less ice at the northern polar region, the polar bear’s hunting grounds (which are literally dissapearing). This is forcing polar bears, who have been known to swim great distances in the ocean, to attempt to swim further than normal, and its resulting them in drowning. You can read more here.
Also a young penguin from a British zoo has apparently been stolen. If it is not returned to its parents it will most likely die of malnutrition. They believe it might have been stolen to become a gift this season, with the popularity of penguins this year. A dead baby penguin does not say I love you, hopefully the thief realizes this and returns it. You can read more at CNN or BBC. On a side note the species of the penguin taken is called a jackass, this is also a term used for the species of people that steal little penguins.
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What kind of nutcase do you have to be to steal a baby penguin?!? What is this world coming to?
The thing is, world stupidity has risen 5% this year. Im suprised they didnt steal the penguin and then try to replace it with a toy one.
Why would anyone want a penguin? Well they are extremely cute…
I read about the penguin, really sad…
Penguins are cute which is exactly why only a sick sick lunatic would stea one. i mean wouldnt you be disgusted to get a dead penguin for christmas. i hope whoever stole the penguin is reading this right now.
Penguins are cute which is exactly why only a sick sick lunatic would steal one. i mean wouldnt you be disgusted to get a dead penguin for christmas. i hope whoever stole the penguin is reading this right now.
i hope they read it twice
Now I’m Not Going To Be Mean And Say That The Person Who Stole The Baby Penguin Should Die…. So I’m Just Gonna Say That Whoever You Are I HOPE YOU STOP LIVING U SICK DISGUSTING FREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh and btw [CENSORED] YOU!!!
@Tyler: on a lighter note nice strip n dont mind me hating the baby penguin stealer
Those bubbles from the sled sinking look vary odd where they are.
ok eww.
So a jackass stole a jackass? Kinda ironic, don’t you think?
zara don’t be saying crap online
HAH! I knew there was a penguin called a jackass penguin but my Biology teacher had never heard of it and he visited Antartica for research purposes!
They will land on a desert island! 😯
THATS JUST HORRIBLE!!!!!!!POOR BABY PENGUIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😥 😥 🙁 🙁 😥 😥 🙁 🙁
Osborne? A baby? I don’t think so. He’s an adult penguin, you know.