: Waiting For Checkers
Nov 10, 2005 —
It could have been a long wait. Polar bears have the longest intestinal tract of all bears.
You may recognize the middle frame if you were a kid watching TV in the early 80’s or even reruns later on. Osbourne is sporting the popular Arnold (Gary Coleman) of Diff’rent Strokes face and coined phrase. Except Arnold would say “Whatchoo talkin’ bout’ Willis”… or Mr. Drummond, or whoever said something that took him off guard. This is also the first time Osbourne has referred to Wally as Wallace. Weird.
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As an added note, Wally is short for Wallace and the name Wallace means “a stranger”. 😉
Yes, Gary Coleman, that’s exactly how I read it too. But added, I really like the information you give below the comics either the facts or in some of the previous, links to the strips that first used Water Balloons etc, to help the readers.
And interesting fact about the Polar bears and their digestive systems…
What’s really scary is, I was born in 88, and didn’t watch tv until i was 6, and i still got that. drat you, pop culture! also: i love the posts below the comics almost as much as the comics.
Haha Kiraela, same with me, I’ve never seen a single episode of that show but I immediately thought of Gary Coleman.
What happened to the links to other comics on the front page. I had been trying those out and hadn’t visited them all yet.
I meant to use a question mark above. I’m not really uneducated.
Sorry, I’ll be getting them back online. Have been distracted with a combination of server troubles and getting the new layout to look right in all browsers.
The above points are very true, I don’t think I’ve seen a single episode either…
i barley know who he is. 😕
Help! Help! I’m bliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind!
whered they get a checker board
It’s also on a Billy and Mandy episode on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9LipR6UrN0 😉
wallace?william walace was a scotland hero