5: Antarctica Beachlife
Jul 4, 2005 —
The beaches in Antarctic are a little different. They are basically ice beaches except for some areas in summer that the dark soil and rock see water. Though weary of Orcas (Killer Whales), it’s not so much penguins but seals on beaches that see this scenario. Its just a hard life here and we’re going to have to be hardened to it… and stay out of the water. Personally, I’m sticking to making castles in the snow with Wally.
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I agree with Ty. I’ll stick to snow castles
why are they just standing there
that’s funny
that’s 4 murders
nothing ruins my day faster
Until I read Tyler Martin’s comment, I thought that was black oil on the beach and the rrocks were bubbles! I see that it’s soil now. 😀
Karpolo (Brian): Oh, Brian! 😀
G-whit&R-van: You wouldn’t find that happening at home, silly! 🙄
PG-13: Which one? 😕
bobo: Because they can’t see the orcas! 😛
Carl: Yes, I agree too!
poppy, so your saying that noone is saying “run away! orcas! help me! its eating mblublublu *munchmucnchmunch*
the munches are from the orcas
I agree with tyler, or I would go to a diferent beach!;)
I wan’t to see how cold it is!*Runs up to Orcas*Pretty orcas…. 😀
There are also leopard seals that feed on penguins.
The orcas should have names. The one in the left is Nauctica the one in the right is Steve.
how do u guys get the smiles?
Shift something like this to get those smiles try shift the two dots and zero and theres a smile! 🙂
I will assist in seeing how cold it is!