: Skipping Stones
Nov 15, 2006 —
The real trick is getting that perfect disc-like stone. Always rewarding to see them get over five skips or so. A penguin might work but you probably got to get a good spin on them.
Leopard Seal: 1 – Penguins: 1
National Geographic posted a video on Monday of a leopard seal versus some emperor penguins. It is a bit graphic as one penguin gets away, but one doesn’t. Watch the video at National Geographic.
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The good ol’ days, those dayswhen I would sit down on the beach, and just skip stones for about 30 minutes. Ah, those days bring back very fond memories!
LOL!!! I used to do that all the time! (with rocks that is…)
im like wally… i cant skip rocks to save my life
No water in these parts wide enough for skipping, but there are few better sounds than that of a huge mud clod going down.
hey i live on a lake what do you think i do on a boring day and that was a good comic and i dont think wally ever threatend osbourne EVER weird
OSBORNE RUN!!!!!!!!!!
Run Osborne!!! Run!!!! Skipping rocks…. such good memories….except when someone is skipping rocks in the exact place you are swimming in…yea….thats not fun…:D
(the national geographic video) The Leopard Seal Cheated!!!! Awww poor penguin! well the seals gotta eat too i guess…but still poor penguin. 🙁
Ahhh the good ol’ days. Sitn’ back and skipn’ penguins. Good times good times. =) how do face???
hey people
i suck at skipping rocks too…
never had a single skip…
Happy Feet comes out tomorrow!!!!
yay 😀
Ha ha peoples, I am the ROCK SKIPPING MASTER!! Once, I got 7 SKIPS out of this pink flat stone. Cool, huh? Just look at the shape of the rock Wally’s skipping! Huh, amatuers. 🙂 😉
Go on Wally do it go go go! once i got 12 skips it true 😎
I wander if wally wald aktoly tri somethig like that