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: Deserted Island: The Others
Jan 17, 2006

It’s not necessary to enjoy this strip, but the term “the others” comes from the show “Lost”. It is about people stranded on an island where weird stuff happens. They discover that there are other people on the island that were not on the plane they crashed in, and they refer to them as the “others”.

The show is currently in its second season. I remember seeing the first episode thinking I didn’t want to get hooked on it, TV shows have commercials every five minutes it seems, and ones like this keep leaving you hanging for the next episode, which can be a week or even three. It has one of the hobits in it so I had to see what it was about. 😉

At any rate… I’m addicted. JJ Abrams and his writing team really know how to weave together interesting characters, backstories and mysterious unkowns and I sit through the commercials and wait a weak or three for that next fix. I want to say hello to all the fellow Lost addicts out there. Hey guys, we can get through this together.

On a side note, after Lost (during the first season), Alias (also a JJ Abrams production) would come on, and even though it had been on several seasons it was the first I had started watching it. Many similarities in grabbing you with story and cliffhangers so I immediately rented and watched all the previous seasons of it. I recommend it while waiting for that next episode of… L O S T (kooom).


  1. Brian says:

    I downloaded/bought the first season recently and as a result; I’m hooked as well… I can’t just jump into the second season halfway though sadly….


    Good times.

  2. Lee says:

    The first season of Lost just finished on British TV (with commercials every 10 minutes rather than 5), but I got to be the first kid on the block to see the entire series on DVD two months ago by ordering it from France. No problem – the French version also has the original English soundtrack. The really stupid thing is it’s also a lot cheaper.

    PS Be careful with that dynami –

  3. Sev says:

    I can’t even think of this show without hearing a tiny Scott Kurtz in my head saying “myaaaaarrhhhh LOST”

  4. Josh says:

    To be honest I hate this show. It drives me nuts. While it was good to begin with, I felt it was going nowhere and wasnt worth the weekly anticipation.

  5. Claire says:

    OMD (Oh My Days) How good is lost… I havn’t had chance to watch it all but what i have seen… it keeps you on the edge of you seat and guessing at all times!!! Whoop Whoop!!! GO LOST!!!

  6. Meg says:


    I live for LOST.

    I’m dead sick, but that revitalized me enough to squeal and go OMGOTHERSWALT!!!!

    OK, I’m done now…

  7. Scratch Fury says:

    I’ll just chime in here with another vote for LOST! My roomie rented the first disc of the first season about a month ago and we ended up watching the entire first season within about a week, just like we did with Firefly last Fall. It helped that my birthday came within that week so I was able to get the DVDs as a gift 😉 It has gotten rather odd and no one could have predicted the course the story would take, but I still enjoy it.

    Oh, and Brian, you can download the episodes from the second season on iTunes for $2 apiece! I know it adds up to a lot (a bit more than buying the DVDs when they come out) but it’s kind of nice to be able to catch up on it and not have to wait until the season’s over… you should give it a little look-see.

  8. bobo says:

    am i alone in not likeing it.

  9. Lost fan says:

    omg next week is the seson fanale! im so exsited lol i love the story like! its funny

  10. Zara says:

    No bobo, you’re not alone. I hate it too.

  11. io says:

    I LOVE LOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its so fun. ive seen every episode

  12. i have to say, i love Hurley from Lost. how can you not? i especially love his: “Life’s not so bad, right? Sure the Others are coming to, like, eat us all, and every once in a while someone blows up all over you, but at least you get to sleep in every morning.” line. ain’t it awesome!!!

  13. oh, and the 3rd season is especially interesting. like the Others in their suburb. and that poor bunny =(

  14. io says:

    poor bunny… 😥

  15. io says:

    and yes hurley is the best charachter!

  16. and now they r tortuing us by making us wait til FEBRUARY!!! for it to come back on!!!

  17. qtpa2tnh says:


  18. Poppy says:

    Poor bunny? 🙄 😕

  19. hi guys says:

    THE OTHERS!!!HA HA HA HA!!!PRICELESS!!!!!!!! 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

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