I knew I needed a new Website to re-launch the comic, and wanted something designed purely for presenting the comic and giving you the best viewing experience possible. In doing so I wanted to rethink how the comic displays on all of the various internet viewing devices we have these days, from mobile devices to gaming consoles to giant 4k monitors. It can be a challenge to produce content for a user that may have a 4″ display or a 40″ display. I wanted someone to be able to see the comic as large as their screen allows and with no loss of resolution, for it to be easy to follow on smaller phone screens as if they are scrolling through some photos without having to do a bunch of zooming and panning. I’ve designed it so that the comic frames will automatically break down into separate rows depending on your screen width, so you may be reading them four frames across like a standard strip, or perhaps 2 frames over 2 frames, down to one frame at time stacked. The comic files themselves are also perhaps the highest resolution of any Webcomics, so they are taking advantage of the full resolution of your viewing device, whether you are using a 4000px wide monitor or a tablet with Retina or other high resolution screen. (Sorry the old comics are still old school format).
If you have any trouble viewing the comic on your device, whatever it is, please let me know! Or if you have any suggestions to make the experience better. Also welcome to the new site, glad to have you here and be a part of the re-launch of Wally & Osborne! There’s some more to do around here… I’ll be working the archive page next to give a much more extensive and fun way to browse the comics and find old favorites. But most of all I’ll be working on the NEW comics! If you want to help support the new site and comics, and are able to do so, then I really appreciate it and you can give that support using Patreon. Thanks!
I guess you’re drawing the comic an vectors anyway. Ever thought of trying to use SVG which scales up easily without wasting too much space/bandwith for smaller devices?
I did consider that, but with flat clean art the PNG files are remarkably small, in fact a few KB smaller than the SVG file would be and that’s before considering the fonts, which would have to be linked to actual font files or converted to curves which would make the files much larger. Various browsers renderingf SVG is still a bit on the weak side, especially with bringing in outside fonts. So I think we are still a way off on the web until the SVG would be better than the PNG. But I am all about the vector!