I’d like to let everyone know about my latest creation, Rhoan Forest. Well, I’m a co-creator anyway… my wife gave birth to a beautiful baby boy yesterday in the wee hours of the morning. Monday was our appointment with our midwife, as well as our last birthing class, then later that evening my wife started having contractions and he came right on his due date, August 14th.
It was a water birth, he was born right at home in the tub. It was a wonderful and amazing experience. He is so beautiful and is currently… as well as wonderfully… consuming our time. So just a little less time for Wally & Osborne for a few more days, I know they will understand as I’m sure you will too.
Hope everyone else is enjoying themselves one way or another. I know school is starting for many of my younger readers, I know a good amount read Wally & Osborne there. If your school computers have limited internet access, make sure they at least have Funbrain.com available (it’s school friendly) because you can read Wally & Osborne (as On the Rocks) there five days a week!
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Alright, you’ve had a month to enjoy your new hatchling.
😡 Now get out there and give us some more cartoons.
Please? 🙁 🙁 🙁 We misses our buddies. 🙁 🙁 🙁
wally & osbourne are great,but he’s got a new baby to take car of.don’t be so selfish pengwen.
p.s.we do miss our buddies,though 🙁
Unfortunatly W&O are not helping me get through my school days 😥 (I’m now in Yr 9) because of little Rhoan Forest, but nether the less, CONGRATS!! AND HES SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!! 😀
When you make your next comic can you put a baby in it?? Maybe W&O could look after it!! LOL! Just a thought!! 😆 💡
Congrats again!! 🙂
➡ Nicole xx
it has been very long. Our friends Wally and Osbourne are sad they dont get to be in comics anymore. Plz bring back our buddies!!! 🙁 🙁 🙁
That is so cool! My Birthday is the ealy hours of August 15! We’re like connected by by hours (give or take about 13 years, cause he’s about 1 month old now)! Congrats!
um my birthdays today so he was born 9 years 1 month and 15 days after I was! 😀 hey um please get on with the new comic though. 🙁
I agree with Panda. i think W&O shuld run into a baby penguin and they can raise it and stuff. 💡
dear Tyler WOW COOL KID
May your bundle of joy brong you happiness and joy. dont forget the diaper. or the milk. or the blankie. or the pacifier. or the… JEEZ this things high maintenance! gl tyler the whole sites rooting for you!
p.s. to the ppl who want a baby penguin in strip remember object a wally helps a penguin mother by throwing one kid away. consider option B max the giant penguin