: Snooping
Feb 9, 2007 —
Wally… a bear on the street… asking questions… taking names. He’s on the prowl because he’s on the case.
Is Osborne’s doom really sealed in ice?
The plot thickens, and Tyler once again successfully pulls off the same gag. Timeless.
Tune in Monday to find out what happens next.
The original art for this will be available on the original art page soon. If you don’t see it there just e-mail me about it.
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First Comment! I like the second panel.
Second Comment! W00t! Great comic! I was just wondering… is there was anyway to get your autograph to prove to everybody that Wally and Osborne is a real comic and that you, a real person of course, are the creator (and also for fun)?
Wally’s such a moron! Who’s the Great Petrel King? And for a gangster skua, Ralph is a preety weird name!
I am really starting to wonder if Wally has a brain.
I hope we get to see this Petrel King. Maybe Wally will find someone more intelligent to find his beak for him.
Ooh, it’s getting exciting now. Wally and the Quest for the Missing Beak of Doom.
Doom? Yeah, it’ll be doom for Wally of Osborne doesn’t get his beak back.
I wish Wally was smarter. 🙁
when will wally get a brain? hay everybody tel what time zone u are in
So, Wally has to go find the Giant Petrel King and steal the beak back, without knowing that he wants to find this person or a beak, and also without any suspicion in his mind that someone has what Osborne is missing.
Wally can be so stupid. But that’s why we all love him!!
Argh! Scurvy skuas! Poor Osborne’s never going t’ get his beak back…argh…
“we got company…” you would think Wally would have figured it out by now, but it’s not looking like that’s a possibility…
I hope that Osborne find his beak soon. He’s my favorite character.
Cool gangsta skuas! 😀 I wonder what the Great Petrel King is gonna do with Osborne’s beak. Poor Wally for STILL NOT realizing that Osborne’s beak has been missing for a very long time . . .
Ha! Can’t wait til monday! This is soooooooo funny! I can imagine one of my classmates acting like that! In fact they do!
I’m going to Club Penguin!
hey people
poor osborne its so sad
Nice comic
Awesome Comic
You should have Max come back and help Wally!Max IS smarter than Wally!Whats everyone think?
I agree Ace!
Hi Penguin Boy! It’s me from Youtube!
Or Mr. Stubby penguin!Whaddaya think!
Haha, the 2 kid penguins that are always selling stuff should sell Wally the beak for some odd thing. The he shows Osbourne his new beak, and Osbourne steals it from him.
Osborne meets a girl penguin while wally is gone, and he can’t talk to her because he doesn’t have a beak, so she thinks he is rude and leaves, then Osborne is more mad at wally!
Wally looks so cute in the second panel!!
is Wally really that stupid? Cristina’s right… he does!!!
oh dear. what a little dummy;)
hey just saw this comic. its awesome! wally is so stupid. so so stupid. anyway, i love this comic. wally is so stupid, no offence.
I agree with Ace. max should come and beat the heck out of the Great Petrel King; unless the Petrel King is the same size as Max,then we would have a giant bird showdown! that would be awesome! 🙂 Tyler feeling any better? 🙁
Haha, Wally can investiage any case I have any day.
wally shuld go to wal mart I hear they are having a sale on brains mabe he lost his up north someware oce he finds that beek he shuld get a brain or take a brake and get one now
its monday where is the comic????
ill be patient. i cantwait
Hey you play club penguin? ME TOO!!!!!
i cant wait to see what happens next!!! BWWAHAHAHAH. The suspense is killing me!
uh…….. “Ralph?” u shouldve named him Beaky!
Ralph. that reminds me of Ralph S. Mouse.
Club Penguin rocks! You get to be a penguin., It reminds me of this! Anywho I cant wait to see what the gangsta skuas do! Wally is so funny, I love him! Tyler, can you make a T-shirt that says HOLY SWEET WHALE CARCASS? That would rock! See ya later
CoOl, GaNgStA sKuAs! 😎
Skuas again! Giant Petrel King? He sounds cool. But skuas will always be special. They remind me of the awesome mafia skuas in happy feet. They’re one of my fav character.